[Tweeters] Hayton on Fir Island - a Surprise ...

via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Wed May 8 19:37:05 PDT 2024

Hi all,

I was out at Hayton today. The tide had just turned when I arrived so it
was not a particularly birdy day. But I did find 3 separate Canada Goose
nests - all with a sitting bird so I'm saying "eggs". Two of the nests
had just one bird but the third (just across the creek) had two birds.

The surprise was that one of the nests was on top of that old cedar
stump that is out past the end of the trail that goes out along the
dike. You know the stump - it's the one that is upside down and
'planted' in the mud and has been there for a long time. The 'resident'
Canada Goose was not particularly upset about me - but you can't get
super close to the nest (which I wouldn't do) but she (he?) didn't
move or get nervous about my presence.

Other observations were a -few- shore birds, a few ducks, a few
sparrows (White-crowned and Song), and 3 RWB. No finches.

After leaving Hayton I had lunch at The Rex and then drove to the
East 90. Not many raptors - but it was during the mid-day doldrums.

- Jim in Skagit County

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