[Tweeters] Late evening Mt. Quail snack

mary hrudkaj via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Wed May 8 20:46:05 PDT 2024

When I sat down at the computer a couple minutes ago, I noticed a low branch on a scotch broom plant by the driveway was bobbing up and down. With no wind what was making the plant bob??? Getting the bins out showed a pair of Mt. Quail feeding on the bright yellow flowers on the lower part of the plant. By stretching their neck they could get flowers almost out of reach but not quite.

My best guess is they were after the pollen and what every might pass for nectar in scotch broom flowers. Now if we could get quail big enough to eat all the flowers off all the scotch broom plants, we could eradicate the broom. But then we'd have 5ft tall Mt. Quail to deal with.

Mary Hrudkaj
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