[Tweeters] Indigo bunting at Biscuit Ridge

via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Mon May 6 07:52:58 PDT 2024

I was on my way home to Port Angeles from an extended road trip and
decided to do a bit of birding. I used the WA Guide to go to Biscuit
Ridge road in Walla Walla county. While there I met several birders who
very kindly shared their day list and tips. While creeping and stopping
I saw a male Indigo bunting. It flew in, perched on the power line for
good looks. It was solid dark blue with no apparent markings in good
light. The tail was slightly scalloped. I have seen Indigos many times
having grown up in AR. and just saw several there last week, so I'm
confident of my ID. However when I looked up the ebird reports for
Biscuit Ridge I did not find any historical reports, so I decided I
should report my sighting.

I am not putting on ebird since I didn't keep track of time, distance,
or count of birds seen - just a listing for my personal records. also, I
imagine if I tried to submit it on ebird it would be bounced for lack of
context, photo and rarity. But I just felt the need to post it in case
anyone was interested.

judyem at olypen dot com Port Angeles WA

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