[Tweeters] Hummingbirds – Masters of the Air – Thursday May 9th 7 pm via Zoom

Kathleen Snyder via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Mon May 6 06:29:35 PDT 2024

Master birder, educator and author Connie Sidles will show us the wonders
of hummingbirds and how to attract them to your garden. Who doesn’t love
to see these little dynamos perform their acrobatics and flash their colors?
You can attend through Zoom by registering at the link below or join us at
Temple Beth Hatfiloh, 201 8th Ave SE, Olympia at 6:30 pm for social time
and 7 pm to view the program on a big screen. This free program is offered
by Black Hills Audubon.

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