[Tweeters] Gambel's White-crowned Sparrows

via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Mon May 6 11:43:11 PDT 2024

Hi Tweeters,

It's migration time and I've never had so many White-crowned
Sparrows in my back yard. Right now there are probably 10 scampering around
under my feeders, over by the water, under the bushes. They are a little
hard to count! I'm guessing most of these are the kind of sparrow we
normally associate with eastern Washington-Gambel's WCSP. The song sounds
distinctly different from the Puget Sound White-crowned. Otherwise I have
some trouble distinguishing between the two subspecies. Right now I am
going by how much brown is on the flanks of the bird. Many of these
visitors are almost completely gray-breasted. I understand that the beaks
of the Gambel's are supposed to be more orange. This is a little harder to
spot. And to me, it seems like the white stripes on the crown are a bit
more pronounced. I'd be happy to hear how the rest of you tell these two
subspecies apart. Happy birding, Charlotte Byers, Edmonds
byers345 at comcast.net <mailto:byers345 at comcast.net>

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