[Tweeters] Use of Merlin App

via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Fri May 3 13:30:06 PDT 2024


The truly reliable part of using Merlin is the PhotoId. It is very close to
bulletproof - even for birds that are in foreign countries. I use it all the
time when processing my bird pictures and it is -very- good. And even when
the picture you are using is from the back or front on.
The way I use it for PhotoId is to take a picture of my photo - just after
I've done my post processing and just before I save it to my hard drive ...
with my iPhone using PhotoId and it is "spot on". Try it this way and you
will be amazed.

There are a -lot- of the IDs in these images that were done this way ...


... during/after our recent birding trip to Belize.

BTW - the least likely results are from the step-by-step Id in Merlin.

- Jim in Burlington

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