[Tweeters] Chipping Sparrows, Juncos, and Merlin

BRAD Liljequist via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Fri May 3 12:59:19 PDT 2024

I had to chuckle at the Junco/Chipping Sparrow conversation and Merlin...that's because I can't distinguish between Chipping Sparrows and Juncos by my own ear, but Merlin taught me to pay attention last year - had it out in Woodland Park and it flashed "Chipping Sparrow" and I thought, no way, that's a Junco...and then lo and behold, singing to its heart's content, a Chipping Sparrow!

Woodland Park btw is a great place this time of year for Chipping Sparrows...caught our FOY last week in fact, in the War Memorial Park area...but they can be in the open meadows, or up by the lawn bowling area...

Brad Liljequist
Phinney Ridge
Seattle, WA
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