[Tweeters] Merlin Photo ID - Yes and No

B B via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Fri May 3 16:46:49 PDT 2024

I use and value Photo ID on Merlin.  It is very useful in identifying photos taken in the field but far from bulletproof and always reliable.  It does better of course with higher quality photos and where there are few ID questions based on subtle (and at times even non-subtle) field marks.  Even with crisp quality field marks evident in photos, however, it is often unable to make an ID or makes an incorrect one - sometimes suggesting truly bizarre suggestions.  I also use INaturalist for the same purpose and have similar results.
This by no means is intended to denigrate the app.  It is VERY useful but although perhaps to a lesser degree than the Sound ID which is very helpful as a pointer but not as a final authority, it too is not always reliable and needs to be used as A TOOL and not THE FINAL SAY.
I wonder if there are other apps used by folks in Tweeterdom that serve the same purpose.  If so please share.  Final comment - I have found the Facebook Community incredibly helpful (and usually kind and non-judgmental) when I post a photo and ask for ID help.  I expect there are other resources that serve the same purpose and again ask any with good results to share.
Blair Bernson

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