[Tweeters] How can I "up my game"?

Rob Faucett via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Fri Jun 28 06:10:06 PDT 2024

Hi Jim - short answer is “birding by ear.”

There will be many more reply and I’ll get to something longer. But that is really good, and fun!!, place to start.

Happy to help further. Call any time!


Rob Faucett
+1(206) 619-5569
robfaucett at mac.com
Seattle, WA 98105

> On Jun 28, 2024, at 5:54 AM, Jim Betz via Tweeters <tweeters at u.washington.edu> wrote:


> Hi all,



> I need some help. I often use eBird to look up "where are people finding birds" by


> checking recent checklists. This usually helps me to pick a place in Skagit County


> where we live because I can see 'what's happening' quickly.


> However, what I've noticed is that there are lots of birders who are posting


> checklists with 2x 3x, and even more as many birds as I'm finding when I


> go to the same place at the same time of day.



> ===> So my question is 'what are they doing that I'm not'?



> Here is what I am doing. I walk and stop about every 30 feet or less - and listen


> first and then try to spot the more nearby birds I'm hearing. When I get a visual I


> will try to identify that bird. I -often- hear birds that I can't id from the song/call.


> I'm fairly new to birding - started about 5 years ago. When I am on guided tours


> the guide -always- is way ahead of me. My primary focus is getting pictures and I


> rarely carry anything other than my camera with long lens - but when my wife is


> with me she has her bins and that helps (some). At least 9 out of 10 times I go


> out I'm by myself rather than with a partner or group.


> - Jim


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