[Tweeters] When Merlin Won't Hear

Jim Betz via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Thu Jul 11 13:24:21 PDT 2024

Hi again,

  My testing yesterday proved interesting.  I purposely went to a
location where I

had previously used Merlin in my last testing/learning how to
bird-by-ear.  Merlin

SoundID behaved the same as before:

  1) When I first started it - there was a quick flood of about 6 or 7
species and then

       other species were added one at a time not long after.

  2) Then  it slowed down on adding and finally 'stopped hearing' after
about 7 minutes

       or so.  Two loud, clear things I expected it to report were the
song of a Swainson's

       Thrush and the call of a Red-tailed Hawk.  Both of those it had
already heard and

       reported (lit up the line in the Merlin app for that species).

  3) Closing out the app on my iPhone and then restarting it "woke it
back up again"

       and the results were similar to what is in #1 and #2 above.  I
did not try the

      "pause and restart" options in the app - I closed it completely.

  So - for the time being - I feel like I have a bypass/way to go
forward ... namely just

don't leave SoundID running too long without closing the app and
restarting it.

  ===> I have reported this to the Merlin development team. And a
couple of other

            things as well.  I have not received any response yet. 
I'll advise when I do.

                                 - again ... watch this space
....                              - Jim

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