[Tweeters] Marymoor Park (Redmond, King Co.) 2024-07-11

Michael Hobbs via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Thu Jul 11 15:01:34 PDT 2024

Tweets - Another morning with too-nice weather, though at least it was
cooler than previous days. Temps in the high-50's and 60's this morning.
It almost felt odd to actually feel a bit of chill. But beautiful blue
skies and only a hint of a breeze. Willow Flycatchers and Swainson's
Thrushes dominated the bird song. Begging baby birds were everywhere.

Virginia Rail - One responded for only the 2nd time since April
Glaucous-winged Gull - One at the lake. Does it qualify as the first
of fall ???
Black-throated Gray Warbler - One on the edge of the Dog Meadow -
First of Fall (FOF) for sure
Black-headed Grosbeak - Mother feeding a baby, Dog Meadow edge

We also had a RACCOON in the willows along the slough below the weir, First
of Year (FOY)

I know I recently posted that rarities almost never show up at this time of
year. To mock me, an AMERICAN REDSTART was photographed on Friday, 7/5 by
Bill Hubbard, the first AMRE for July and just the 5th for the park ever.
Then, on Saturday, 7/6, a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD was photographed by Lillian
Reis. Quite a few people saw this bird over the weekend. This was just the
3rd sighting for NOMO for the park, with the other two sightings in May and
September. AND, AND, AND, on Sunday, 7/7, Timothy Garland photographed an
ASH-THROATED FLYCATCHER in the East Meadow. Surprisingly, ATFL is not
nearly as much of a rarity than the other two; this is the 10th record for
the park, and the 2nd for July, but *Geesh*. Quite a run of unusual birds.

We had none of those birds today.

Misses today included Hooded Merganser, Pied-billed Grebe, Green Heron,
Red-tailed Hawk, Cliff Swallow, and Bullock's Oriole.

For the day, 56 species.

= Michael Hobbs
= BirdMarymoor at gmail.com
= www.marymoor.org/birding.htm
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