[domweek] DOM Week, May 13-17, 2024
Department of Medicine weekly newsletter via domweek
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Fri May 10 16:16:53 PDT 2024
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DOM Week
May 10, 2024
News, information, and events of interest from the Department of Medicine <http://bit.ly/1TemKEY>
(If you have items for DOM week, please email amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>)
Fialkow Scholar Award
[cid:image003.jpg at 01DAA2F5.74B49590]Congratulations to Dr. Eric Morrell, assistant professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine), who is the 2024 recipient of the Fialkow Award.
The Fialkow Scholar Award honors the late UW Dean of Medicine and Chair of Medicine Dr. Philip Fialkow and his wife, the late Helen Fialkow, and recognizes the outstanding achievements of junior faculty in medicine in research, teaching, clinical work, and academic citizenship.
Dr. Morrell co-directs the University of Washington's Lung Transplant Biorepository, serves on the Early Career Group at the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, and is a site PI for several multi-center observational and interventional studies in lung transplant, ARDS, and COVID-19.
Learn more about Dr. Morrell<https://mednews.uw.edu/news/2024-fialkow/morrell>.
Dr. Morrell will formally receive the award and present at Medicine Grand Rounds in the fall.
Call for nominations: Minority Faculty Mentoring Award
Nominations are now open for the Committee on Minority Faculty Advancement (CMFA) Minority Faculty Mentoring Award. This award recognizes the need for excellence in mentoring underrepresented faculty groups to achieve diversity and inclusion, key elements that can unleash creativity and innovation to meet the healthcare needs of our region. This is an annual award highlighting the mentoring achievements of senior faculty. Nominees need not be a member of an underrepresented group. This award is supported by the Office of the Dean, the Office of Academic Affairs, the Office of Healthcare Equity (OHCE), and the Committee on Minority Faculty Advancement (CMFA).
Visit our website<https://bit.ly/40vIoyP> for more information. Nominations are due June 21.
Faculty news
Mary (Nora) Disis named 2024 Inventor of the Year
[cid:image005.jpg at 01DAA2F5.74B49590]Congratulations to Dr. Mary (Nora) Disis, professor (Hematology and Oncology) who has been selected as the 2024 UW Medicine Inventor of the Year.
The Inventor of the Year Award recognizes a UW researcher whose work has the potential to radically improve healthcare through the translation of research from the bench, with industry partnerships, to products or processes with major impacts on health.
Read more on our news site<https://bit.ly/3UQRB4E>.
Staff news
[cid:image007.jpg at 01DAA2F5.74B49590]Staff spotlight: Leila Armas-Valencia
Our latest staff spotlight is on Leila Armas-Valencia, program operations specialist and fellowship administrator for sleep medicine (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) and Department of Medicine Bias Navigator.
Learn more about her on our news site<https://bit.ly/4dDsud5>.
Education news
Save the date: Research Fellows Orientation Course
Everything Fellows need to know to survive & thrive in academics! Please join us for the annual Department of Medicine Workshop: "Surviving and Thriving During the Research Years", a course covering skills necessary for academic success, such as grant & manuscript writing, mentorship, appointments & promotions, and breakout sessions on opportunities in industry or the public health & policy sector. The course is designed for fellows navigating their research path and is open to clinical and PhD fellows and early-stage faculty from all departments. There is no charge to attend this course. Aug. 19, 8:30am-3pm, Brotman Auditorium, South Lake Union.
Registration will open in June. For more information please contact Ellen Schur (ellschur at uw.edu<mailto:ellschur at uw.edu>) or Nisha Bansal (nbansal at uw.edu<mailto:nbansal at uw.edu>).
Research news
[cid:image009.png at 01DAA2F5.74B49590]Congratulations to Dr. Mark Wiley, research fellow (Gastroenterology) who is the 2024 recipient of the Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentor Award, sponsored by the UW Office of Undergraduate Research.
Every year, student presenters at the Undergraduate Research Symposium are able to nominate their mentor for special recognition. This year, Dr. Wiley was one of the selected mentors to be honored from 465 nominations.
Heart-failure deaths surging after a decade of decline
[cid:image011.jpg at 01DAA2F5.74B49590]A decade of progressively fewer heart failure deaths in the United States reversed course in 2012. By 2021, heart-failure deaths had rebounded so sharply that they eclipsed the volume of those deaths seen in 1999.
Dr. April Stempien-Otero, associate professor (Cardiology) expressed dismay at the data, recently reported in JAMA Cardiology.<https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamacardiology/fullarticle/2817830?utm_campaign=articlePDF&utm_medium=articlePDFlink&utm_source=articlePDF&utm_content=>
"We'd made great progress, and it is really because of these medications we had for heart failure that were revolutionary," she said. "This uptick ... is really surprising and worrisome."
Read the full story from UW Medicine Newsroom<https://bit.ly/3wpzw4k>.
Recent publications
Dr. Jennifer Adair, research associate professor (Hematology and Oncology) is co-author of "Nothing about us without us: Advocacy and engagement in genetic medicine"<https://bit.ly/4bn9xti> and "The translational gap for gene therapies in low- and middle-income countries<https://bit.ly/4adE1Nf>" in Science Translational Medicine.
Drs. Jared Baeten, affiliate professor, and Grace John-Stewart, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) are co-authors of "Drug concentrations in hair and dried blood spots as PrEP adherence metrics during pregnancy and postpartum<https://bit.ly/3WzcdQ9>" in the Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Dr. Shailender Bhatia, professor (Hematology and Oncology) is co-author of "Clinical outcomes of adjuvant nivolumab in resected stage III melanoma: comparison of CheckMate 238 trial and real-world data<https://bit.ly/4dJ7Yrw>" in Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy.
Dr. Pavan Bhatraju, associate professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) is lead author of "Acute Kidney Injury, Systemic Inflammation and Long-term Cognitive Function: ASSESS-AKI<https://bit.ly/3UDr3lX>" in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. DOM co-authors are Leila Zelnick, Ian Stanaway, and Mark Wurfel. Senior author is Dr. Jonathan Himmelfarb, former professor (Nephrology).
Dr. Noam Kopmar, assistant professor, is lead author, and Dr. Ryan Cassaday, associate professor (Hematology and Oncology) is senior author of "Dose-Adjusted EPOCH Plus Inotuzumab Ozogamicin in Adults With Relapsed or Refractory B-Cell ALL: A Phase 1 Dose-Escalation Trial<https://bit.ly/3UUzPh2>" in JAMA Oncology. DOM co-authors are Kim Quach, Christen Martino, Mary-Elizabeth Percival, Anna Halpern, Cristina Ghiuzeli, Vivian Oehler, Janis Abkowitz, and Roland Walter.
Dr. William Grady, professor (Gastroenterology) is co-author of "Patients With Esophageal Adenocarcinoma With Prior Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Symptoms Are Similar to Those Without Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study<https://bit.ly/3JRS0xg>" in the American Journal of Gastroenterology.
Drs. Emily Grossniklaus, acting assistant professor, Jeff Redinger, assistant professor, and Kay Johnson, associate professor (General Internal Medicine) are co-authors of "Cirrhosis and the Surgical Patient<https://bit.ly/4dKfORN>" in Perioperative Care and Operating Room Management.
Dr. Rajnish Mehrotra, professor and head (Nephrology) is author of "JASN: The Next Chapter<https://bit.ly/4dzON3m>" in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
Dr. Anna Morenz, clinician researcher, is lead author, and Dr. Sara Jackson, associate professor (General Internal Medicine) is senior author of "'Advocates for Each Other': The creation and evaluation of a pragmatic peer navigation program for black patients in primary care with uncontrolled hypertension<https://bit.ly/3UUA8Zf>" in Patient Education and Counseling. DOM co-authors are Jessica Bender and Helene Starks.
Dr. Bruce Psaty, professor, and Joshua Bis, research scientist (General Internal Medicine) are co-authors of "Determinants of mosaic chromosomal alteration fitness<https://bit.ly/3yd5Hoc>" in Nature Communications.
Dr. Ganesh Raghu, professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) is co-author of "Zinpentraxin Alfa for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis : The Randomized Phase III STARSCAPE Trial<https://bit.ly/3USyCa0>" in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.
Drs. Jane Ranchalis, research scientist, Mitchell Vollger, postdoctoral fellow, and Andrew Stergachis, assistant professor (Medical Genetics) are co-authors of "STR mutations on chromosome 15q cause thyrotropin resistance by activating a primate-specific enhancer of MIR7-2/MIR1179<https://bit.ly/3WsB34e>" in Nature Genetics.
Dr. Jesse Salk, clinical assistant professor (Hematology and Oncology) is co-author of "Measurable Residual FLT3 Internal Tandem Duplication Before Allogeneic Transplant for Acute Myeloid Leukemia<https://bit.ly/4bs5Faf>" in JAMA Oncology.
Dr. Mazyar Shadman, associate professor (Hematology and Oncology) is lead author of "Similar efficacy of ibrutinib arms across ALPINE and ELEVATE-RR trials in relapsed/refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a matching-adjusted indirect comparison<https://bit.ly/3JUdWbj>" in Blood Cancer Journal and co-author of "CAR T-cell Therapy in Mantle Cell Lymphoma with Secondary CNS Involvement - a multicenter experience<https://bit.ly/3JNifoO>" in Blood Advances.
Dr. Susan Wong, associate professor (Nephrology) is senior author of "Engaging Patients in Decision Making about Treatment of Kidney Failure: The Art and Science of Communication<https://bit.ly/3UzGAn5>" in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
In the news
Dr. Helen Chu, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in "Here's What Is Safe to Eat During the Bird Flu Outbreak<https://bit.ly/3ydat54>" in Right As Rain and "Bird flu found in WA skunks, raccoons and bobcats<https://bit.ly/3UDkxvt>" in Axios Seattle.
Dr. Vishesh Kapur, professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) is quoted in "This Extremely Common Sleeping Behavior Is Never Normal<https://bit.ly/3UVHjzd>" in Inverse.
Dr. Kenta Nakamura, assistant professor (Cardiology) is quoted in "Gene therapy improves symptoms for patients with 'no-option' treatment-resistant angina<https://bit.ly/3wugZnr>" in Healio.
Dr. Stephanie Page, professor and head (Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition) is quoted in "Following Roe v Wade Overturn, Research Focuses on Male Contraceptives<https://bit.ly/3USsKxn>" in the American Journal of Managed Care.
Events of Interest
Medicine Grand Rounds
Drs. Jason Deen, associate professor (Cardiology) will present "Update on the UW Medicine Center for Indigenous Health" and Dr. Lorena Alarcon-Casas Wright, clinical associate professor (Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition) will present "Disparities in Diabetes Care and the UW Latinx Diabetes Clinic" for the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lecture on Friday, May 17, 12-1pm, via zoom<https://washington.zoom.us/j/812197730>.
Weekly Calendar, May 13-17, 2024
Our events calendar is posted on our website<https://medicine.uw.edu/news/trumba-calendar>.
Amy Fields, Editor
amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>
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