[domweek] DOM Week, July 15-19, 2024

Department of Medicine weekly newsletter via domweek domweek at u.washington.edu
Fri Jul 12 16:04:56 PDT 2024

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DOM Week
July 12, 2024
News, information, and events of interest from the Department of Medicine <http://bit.ly/1TemKEY>

(If you have items for DOM week, please email amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>)

Lunches with the chair
[cid:image003.jpg at 01DAD475.3ADD6160]In an effort to foster deeper connections and a sense of community within the Department of Medicine, the chair's office launched "Lunches with the Chair" earlier this year. Spearheaded by Department Chair Dr. Barbara Jung, these lunches are an opportunity for staff, trainees, and faculty to engage in informal discussions outside their daily work environment.

Learn more on our news site<https://bit.ly/4eUSGR1>.

Tina Juul-Dam Primary Care Award
[Gena Lenti and Hallen Pham]Congratulations to Drs. Gena Lenti and Hallen Pham, this year's recipients of the Tina Juul-Dam Primary Care Award<https://medicine.uw.edu/about/awards/dom-awards/juul-dam/primary>, voted on by the medicine residents.

The award memorializes Dr. Juul-Dam, a third-year resident who died in 2004 while on rotation in Alaska, and celebrates her spirit, dedication to patients, passion for primary care, and motivation of others.

Staff news
[cid:image007.png at 01DAD475.3ADD6160]Staff Professional Development Scholarship Recipients
Congratulations to our inaugural Department of Medicine Staff Scholarship<https://bit.ly/3x2DLCD> recipients! The DOM Professional Development Scholarships provide funds to help Department of Medicine staff prepare to advance careers in education, health and medical sciences, or social sciences.

Inaugural recipients:

* Ryan Donnelly, Clinical Research Coordinator (Hematology and Oncology): Supervisory skills certificate through the UW POD program and/or CCRP certificate through SOCRA
* Cassidy Inden, Program Operations Analyst (DOM Clinical Programs): Foundations of Data Analysis course, UW Continuing Education
* Priscilla Kim, Data Coordinator (Hematology and Oncology): Certificate in Data Science within the UW Professional and Continuing Education
* Elsie Kong, Shared Services Specialist (DOM Finance): Class on Managing Tough Conversations
* Michaela Miller, Administrative Specialist (Allergy and Infectious Diseases): Project Management Certificate
* Harini Ramachandran, Principal Research Coordinator (Hematology and Oncology): Certification in Project Management
* Cynthia Yee, Budget/Fiscal Operations Supervisor (DOM Finance): Soft Skills Workshop - Become a better communicator to advance in your career

Learn more on our website<https://bit.ly/4cTlAiD>.


Staff mentorship program
Applications are currently open for the SOM Staff Mentorship Program<https://bit.ly/3S4t5Lv>. We encourage staff to consider applying to this program as either a mentee or mentor (or both!). Additional information, including FAQs, can be found on the program website<https://bit.ly/3S4t5Lv>. Mentor applications<https://forms.office.com/r/cTNDmwX9eL?origin=lprLink> should be submitted by July 19 and mentee applications<https://forms.office.com/r/xtKFevt9qv?origin=lprLink> by August 2.

Clinical news
Improving care for older adults
[Elizabeth Phelan]The UW Northwest Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Center<https://bit.ly/4cz86sq> (NW GWEC), led by Dr. Elizabeth Phelan, professor (Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine), is one of 42 programs to receive federal support to improve care for older Americans, including those experiencing Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.
The U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) recently announced more than $200 million to support 42 programs across the country to train primary care physicians, nurse practitioners, and other health care clinicians to provide age-friendly and dementia-friendly care for older adults.

NW GWEC is a regional center that conducts inter-professional education and training programs to improve the primary care of older adults. It is a collaboration across the UW health sciences schools, including medicine, nursing, pharmacy and social work.

Learn more on our news site<https://bit.ly/3Lkuh9J>.

Recent publications
Dr. Robin Bennett, professor (Medical Genetics) is senior author of "Establishing Affirming Genetic Counseling Services for Transgender, Gender-Expansive, and Intersex Patients<https://bit.ly/4cyApHo>" in ELSIhub.

Dr. Pavan Bhatraju, associate professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) is senior author of "The Road to Precision Medicine for Acute Kidney Injury<https://bit.ly/3XVQXoz>" in Critical Care Medicine.

Dr. Taylor Coston, fellow, is lead author and Dr. T. Eoin West, professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) is co-senior author of "Severity of inhalation injury and risk of nosocomial pneumonia: a retrospective cohort study<https://bit.ly/3WdDDdT>" in Chest.

Dr. Jing-Fei Dong, professor (Hematology and Oncology) is senior author of "RBCs Regulate Platelet Function and Hemostasis under Shear Conditions through Biophysical and Biochemical Means<https://bit.ly/4eS9tEl>" in Blood. DOM co-author is Terry Gernsheimer.

Dr. Sylvia LaCourse, associate professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is co-author of "The inclusion of children and adolescents in tuberculosis diagnostic development and evaluation-a consensus statement<https://bit.ly/3RZMHAs>" in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

Dr. Mazyar Shadman, associate professor (Hematology and Oncology) is senior author of "CD19-directed CART Therapy for T cell/Histiocyte Rich Large B-cell Lymphoma<https://bit.ly/4czp1Ln>" in Blood Advances, lead author of "Autologous transplant vs. CAR-T therapy in patients with DLBCL treated while in complete remission<https://go.nature.com/3xSOW1B>" in Blood Cancer Journal (DOM co-author is Ajay Gopal), and co-author of "Clinical Practice Recommendations for Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapies in Follicular Lymphoma: A Collaborative Effort on behalf of The American Society of Transplantation and Cellular Therapy and the European Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation<https://bit.ly/3zNbXDF>" in Transplantation and Cellular Therapy.

Dr. T. Eoin West, professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) is senior author of "γδ T Cells Mediate Protection Against Neutrophil-associated Lung Inflammation in Pulmonary Melioidosis<https://bit.ly/4eWOv76>" in the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. DOM co-authors are Abdullah Bashmail, Guilhem Rerolle, and Sina Gharib. Dr. West is also co-author of "Genetic diversity, determinants, and dissemination of Burkholderia pseudomallei lineages implicated in melioidosis in Northeast Thailand<https://go.nature.com/3zxeaDb>" in Nature Communications.

In the news
Dr. Brad Anawalt, professor (General Internal Medicine) is quoted in "Why we need to start talking about HRT for men<https://bit.ly/3Lk8D5E>" in the Independent.

Dr. Seth Cohen, clinical associate professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in "New variant, updated vaccine: Coronavirus is back, but it never even left<https://bit.ly/3XWgJcf>" in the Spokesman-Review.

Dr. Bonnie Ronish, clinical assistant professor (General Internal Medicine) is quoted in "Use these interactive maps to track PNW wildfires and air quality<https://bit.ly/4cT3fSU>" in the Seattle Times.

Dr. Lynn Symonds, assistant professor (Hematology and Oncology) is quoted in "What Is Early Breast Cancer? Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment<https://bit.ly/3WfAxpw>" in Everyday Health.

Weekly Calendar, July 15-19, 2024
Our events calendar is posted on our website<https://medicine.uw.edu/news/trumba-calendar>.

Coming up
Research Fellows Orientation Course
Registration is open for our annual Department of Medicine Workshop: "Surviving and Thriving During the Research Years<https://bit.ly/3S3jx3D>", a course covering skills necessary for academic success, such as grant & manuscript writing, mentorship, appointments & promotions, and breakout sessions on opportunities in industry or the public health & policy sector. The course is designed for fellows navigating their research path and is open to clinical and PhD fellows and early-stage faculty from all departments. There is no charge to attend this course. Aug. 19, 8:30am-3pm, Brotman Auditorium, South Lake Union. Please register for this course<https://forms.office.com/r/Pv3cKnKidg>. For more information please contact Ellen Schur (ellschur at uw.edu<mailto:ellschur at uw.edu>) or Nisha Bansal (nbansal at uw.edu<mailto:nbansal at uw.edu>).


Amy Fields, Editor
amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>

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