[Tweeters] Marymoor Park (Redmond, King Co.) 2024-05-23

Louise via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Thu May 23 16:14:59 PDT 2024

Michael's been away for two weeks and you still haven't found any amazing
rarities for him to miss out on? The system must be broken!

Louise Rutter

On Thu, May 23, 2024 at 4:05 PM Matt Bartels via Tweeters <
tweeters at u.washington.edu> wrote:

> Hi Tweeters -

> Unlike last week’s walk, we stayed dry today - not particularly sunny, but

> dry - the birds were much more cooperative than last week, and we enjoyed a

> pleasant day at Marymoor.


> With Michael still away, 6 of us combined forces to take on the walk

> today. We came up with 62 species for the day.


> Highlights:

> 2 Blue-winged Teal males - first-of-year [FOY] flew past us, then circled

> around and landed for great views just below the weir

> Black Swift - several overhead near the south end of the off-leash dog

> area - FOY

> Willow Flycatcher - 2 or 3 fitz-bew-ing away, never seen, but still a good

> FOY, right on schedule

> Western Kingbird - 2 , FOY for the walk [3 reported at Marymoor yesterday,

> and others earlier]


> Black-headed Grosbeak - seemingly constantly auduble throughout the walk

> Swainson’s Thrush - they, too, are fully back - lots more singing today,

> along with regular whits and other calls throughout

> Vaux’s Swifts - large flock hunting low over the dog area

> babies seen included: Mallard, Great Blue Heron, and Dark-eyed Juncos


> Misses for the day: Spotted Sandpiper, Green Heron, Virginia Rail,

> Pileated Woodpecker, Bullock’s Oriole [might have heard a little

> chattering] and Yellow-rumped Warbler.



> Matt Bartels

> Seattle, WA


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