[Tweeters] Marymoor Park (Redmond, King Co.) 2024-05-23

Matt Bartels via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Thu May 23 16:04:19 PDT 2024

Hi Tweeters -
Unlike last week’s walk, we stayed dry today - not particularly sunny, but dry - the birds were much more cooperative than last week, and we enjoyed a pleasant day at Marymoor.

With Michael still away, 6 of us combined forces to take on the walk today. We came up with 62 species for the day.

2 Blue-winged Teal males - first-of-year [FOY] flew past us, then circled around and landed for great views just below the weir
Black Swift - several overhead near the south end of the off-leash dog area - FOY
Willow Flycatcher - 2 or 3 fitz-bew-ing away, never seen, but still a good FOY, right on schedule
Western Kingbird - 2 , FOY for the walk [3 reported at Marymoor yesterday, and others earlier]

Black-headed Grosbeak - seemingly constantly auduble throughout the walk
Swainson’s Thrush - they, too, are fully back - lots more singing today, along with regular whits and other calls throughout
Vaux’s Swifts - large flock hunting low over the dog area
babies seen included: Mallard, Great Blue Heron, and Dark-eyed Juncos

Misses for the day: Spotted Sandpiper, Green Heron, Virginia Rail, Pileated Woodpecker, Bullock’s Oriole [might have heard a little chattering] and Yellow-rumped Warbler.

Matt Bartels
Seattle, WA

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