[Tweeters] Ridgefield NWR, Clark County shorebirds

Jim Danzenbaker via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Fri May 10 17:11:45 PDT 2024

Hi tweeters,

Shorebirding has been interesting at River S NWR in Ridgefield, Clark
County over the last several days.

Solitary Sandpipers were seen in various locations from May 1 through about
May 7
Semipalmated Sandpiper seen at the first pond on the right on the auto tour
loop on May 7
Pectoral Sandpiper seen yesterday and today at different locations. Don't
know any further details other than Schwartz Lake and Ruddy Lake.
Black-bellied Plover - 1 on Ruddy Lake this afternoon (marker 6)
Wilson's Phalarope - 1 on Ruddy Lake near the Black-bellied Plover and 2
more on Schwartz Lake (the pond on the right which is across from the
southeast end of Rest Lake) this afternoon.

Nothing super rare but these sightings keep us locals visiting the refuge
to find out what will show up next!

Keep your eyes and ears skyward.

Jim Danzenbaker
Battle Ground, WA
jdanzenbaker at gmail.com
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