[Tweeters] Migration floodgates opened on Larch Mountain, Clark County

Jim Danzenbaker via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Fri May 10 16:57:18 PDT 2024

Hi Tweeters,

With Birdcast showing 1.183 million birds passing through Clark County last
night through sunup and windy.com showing a sustained 9 mph east wind with
gusts to 25, 5 of us visited the Larch Migration Viewpoint and enjoyed some
spectacular migration watching. Highlight was undoubtedly the PALM WARBLER
that landed right in front of us for all to see. This is only my second
Palm Warbler in Clark County in 18 years! The other species highlight was
watching two LEWIS'S WOODPECKERs for over an hour. This species is seen
almost every year in Clark but you really need to put in your time to see
one. Other highlights were the following birds in active migration:

Cassin's Vireo - 2
Warbling Vireo - 17
CALIFORNIA SCRUB JAY - 1 (rare on Larch Mountain)
individual warblers of 10 species - 559
Bullock's Oriole - 4
Western Kingbird - 5
Western Tanager - 122
Lazuli Bunting - 46

Here's today's list which has embedded location information:

Keep your eyes and ears skyward (although today I got a headache from doing

Jim Danzenbaker
Battle Ground, WA
jdanzenbaker at gmail.com
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