[Tweeters] Marymoor Park (Redmond, King Co.) 2024-05-02

Michael Hobbs via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Thu May 2 14:05:21 PDT 2024

Tweets - This is the time of year with peak diversity. Some wintering
birds are lingering in the lowlands. Some summer birds are arriving
already. And pass-through migrants are passing through. So we were very
eager setting out this morning, and were not disappointed. We WERE a bit
cold at first, though, as the day started out at 35 degrees (warming to 55
by the time we were done). No wind, sunny skies. Birds.

American Wigeon - One below the weir. We've only had wigeon later
twice in spring
Green-winged Teal - Two below the weir. Almost as late as the wigeon
Ring-necked Duck - One at the Rowing Club - Ditto
Mourning Dove - One at the south end of the East Meadow pre-dawn
Anna's Hummingbird - Female on a nest near the start of the boardwalk
SOLITARY SANDPIPER - One landed right next to us in the slough below
the weir. Stayed a while for good looks (FOY)
LEAST SANDPIPER - Came in with the SOSA and landed 6 feet away from
it, also lingering for good looks (FOY)
Barn Owl - Eric saw one pre-dawn
Barred Owl - Tony heard one pre-dawn, west of the boardwalk
California Scrub-Jay - One clearly heard between the Dog Meadow and
the East Meadow. First of Year (FOY)
American Robin - Juvenile making very strange calls at the Rowing Club
American Pipit - Ten on the grass/gravel lot in the NE part of the
park. (FOY) for the survey
Black-throated Gray Warbler - One near the windmill (FOY)
Wilson's Warbler - Two heard singing, neither seen (FOY)
Black-headed Grosbeak - Perhaps two heard singing, one of which we
eventually saw, near the boardwalk (FOY)

Misses today included Bufflehead, Hooded Merganser, Pied-billed Grebe,
American Coot, Green Heron, and Western Tanager.

For the day, 68 species. For the year, adding seven, we're at 112.

= Michael Hobbs
= BirdMarymoor at gmail.com
= www.marymoor.org/birding.htm
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