[Tweeters] Little Pend Oreille BBS

Mike Munts via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Fri Jun 28 07:37:18 PDT 2024

Hello Everyone,

I did the Little Pend Oreille NWR Breeding Birds Survey Rout last week and
just got all the totals done. This is a fun survey to do. With about 3500
feet in elevation range it has a wide range of habitats and thus birds.
Overall it seemed like a pretty average count. Nothing too unusual or
unexpected. The list is pasted below.

Mike Munts


Canada Goose 16

Wood Duck 2

Ruddy Duck 2

American Coot 2

Mourning Dove 3

Turkey Vulture 1

Red-naped Sapsucker 1

Hairy Woodpecker 2

Black-backed Woodpecker 1

(Red-shafted Flicker)

Northern Flicker 12

Pileated Woodpecker 2

unid. woodpecker 6

Western Wood-Pewee 30

Willow Flycatcher 2

Hammond's Flycatcher 8

Dusky Flycatcher 13

Least Flycatcher 1

Western Flycatcher 1

Say's Phoebe 7

Cassin's Vireo 4

Red-eyed Vireo 4

Common Raven 8

Black-billed Magpie 4

Black-capped Chickadee 21

Mountain Chickadee 11

Chestnut-backed Chickadee 4

Tree Swallow 2

Violet-green Swallow 2

Barn Swallow 1

Golden-crowned Kinglet 4

Cedar Waxwing 2

Red-breasted Nuthatch 53

Pacific Wren 6

European Starling 6

Western Bluebird 1

Swainson's Thrush 34

American Robin 23

Veery 1

Evening Grosbeak 2

House Finch 2

Cassin's Finch 3

Red Crossbill 36

Pine Siskin 22

American Goldfinch 1

House Sparrow 3

Chipping Sparrow 22

(Oregon Junco) Dark-eyed Junco 34

Vesper Sparrow 7

Song Sparrow 9

Spotted Towhee 3

Western Meadowlark 6

Red-winged Blackbird 7

Yellow-headed Blackbird 5

Bullock's Oriole 2

Brown-headed Cowbird 2

Brewer's Blackbird 3

Nashville Warbler 4

MacGillivray's Warbler 4

Yellow Warbler 7

(Audubon's Warbler) Yellow-rumped Warbler 21

Townsend's Warbler 21

Wilson's Warbler 2

Western Tanager 45

Black-headed Grosbeak 4

Total Species: 64

Total Individuals: 580
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