[Tweeters] Restricting Carmelo from commenting???

Nelson Briefer via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Thu Jun 27 16:25:27 PDT 2024

Dear birders and hawk watchers and there is a world of difference between a
hawk Watcher and a birder. And some birders who don’t understand the
difference might be upset, yet at the same time will not participate in a
discussion. There are many subscribers to this listserve and many of them
do not contribute for whatever reason. I really do not care of the reasons.
Also, I do not care if you drop out. I will not be sorry if you drop out.
You do not matter to me. This does not mean that I dislike you or I am
intimidated by your advances. There have been two people who are
intimidated by some postings. Here is my solution to your program. Start
your own birding group or website, with the people of your own culture. I
am sure that your small group might be able to outshine or at least be
interesting enough to add to the value of Tweeters. Let me put it another
way, I do not dislike you, I dislike your thinking. Also, many people who
unsubscribe, still pay attention to this Tweeters. Cheers- Nelson Briefer-
near Seattle.
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