[Tweeters] Inclusion in Birding

Roger Craik via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Thu Jun 27 08:44:23 PDT 2024


Birding should be apolitical and not subject to the whims of what
appears to be a cancel culture movement within the AOS. Messing with
either the nomenclature or taxonomy, unless you are going to subdivide a
species, makes it appear that this is the case. If it walks like a duck...

FWIW I have been subscribed to Tweeters for about 25 years as an active
participant or a lurker. There are occasional blowups on the listserv
that can occur over controversial issues and unless things degenerate
into ad hominem attacks they usually blow over.

I guess if one can't agree to disagree then leaving is the only option.
Maybe ""shut up and bird"" really is the way to go.


On 2024-06-27 5:23 a.m., Carmelo Quetell wrote:

> Roger,


> I'm not 100% sure what your intention was when you sent this response

> to Aadu's message. However, it is an operant example of being tone

> deaf. At this point, several people on this listserv who oppose the

> AOS name changes have stated they don't understand why it's important

> (because they're only looking at it through the lens of their own

> personal experience).


> Despite it not being Aadu's responsibility to explain it for (or

> justify it to) others, they have taken the time to do so, along with

> naming the impact it has had on them. Replying in this way is not

> helpful. Regardless of what your intention was when you clicked send,

> it reads as dismissive of Aadu's message, while at the same time

> driving their point home even more.


> Carmelo




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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

> *From:* Tweeters <tweeters-bounces at mailman11.u.washington.edu> on

> behalf of Roger Craik via Tweeters <tweeters at u.washington.edu>

> *Sent:* Thursday, June 27, 2024 2:22 AM

> *To:* tweeters at u.washington.edu <tweeters at u.washington.edu>

> *Subject:* Re: [Tweeters] Inclusion in Birding

> All


> To paraphrase Abraham Lincoln


> You can please all the people some of the time, and some of the people

> all the time, but you cannot please all the people all the time.


> Sounds to me like there's going to be a lot of displeased people along

> with a ton of people who don't really care for what ever reason. So

> just how many people are going to be really pleased by this exercise

> in inclusivity and respectfulness? At least until they have to run out

> and buy new birding books.


> Roger Craik

> Maple Ridge BC



> On 2024-06-26 2:46 p.m., Aadu Prakash via Tweeters wrote:


> Hi Tweeters community,


> Longtime lurker, but felt the need to write in. I'm a 31 y.o Indian

> American who has been birding for 25 years. Throughout my life, I've

> met many wonderful people who have welcomed me into the world of

> birding/ornithology. But on the flipside, I have often felt like the

> odd one out in many of the communities I participated in.


> It's disappointing that the discourse around changing eponymous bird

> names is being shut down. Almost like we're being told to "shut up and

> bird". I applaud folks like Steve and Carmelo who bring up reasons why

> this is an important initiative, and how it can lead to more diversity

> and inclusion in the birding world.


> Many underrepresented groups are faced with the task of "terraforming"

> the communities they engage with. They have to put in serious work to

> make these communities "habitable" for them. But through censorship

> and lack of support from leadership, they often burnout and disappear

> into the background (or leave the group altogether).


> From Carmelo's Op-Ed:


> "Human beings at the AOS have committed their time, money, and

> resources toward this endeavor for the last several years. They’ve

> clearly stated an intention to actively involve the public in the

> process of selecting new bird names, as well as including a

> diverse representation of individuals with expertise in the social

> sciences, communications, ornithology, and taxonomy."



>  These people are actively trying to "terraform" our birding community

> in a way that is inclusive and respectful to us all. They should be

> supported, not shot down. Otherwise things will largely stay the same.


> I plan on unsubscribing from Tweeters and hope that the work is put

> into making this a more inclusive community that can attract AND

> retain folks from underrepresented communities.


> Best,

> Aadithya (Aadu) Prakash


Roger Craik
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