[Tweeters] Respect for Hal O. And Elaine C.

Nelson Briefer via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Tue Jun 25 12:00:10 PDT 2024

Many months ago there was a post that asked for the opinion to allow
birders to post their sightings from out of state. Possibly because the
activity of posting was becoming non- exciting. But, do you really care to
read of my many sightings of Goshawks in East Texas, S.E. Arizona, and
Southern California including Bakersfield? I don’t think so. In fact, the
list serve owner in Texas threatened to block my NG sightings in Texas,
unless I had proof of my sightings, which means photos of NG, and not just
photos but very good photos. There must have been many complaints by the
birders to have me censored from the list serve. This same condition may be
occurring within Tweeters. This is why I respect Hal and Elaine. They did
not fold like a cheap, two- dollar camera. Cheers- the best to all. Nelson
Briefer- Anacortes.
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