[Tweeters] on Inappropriate Posts & constructive discourse

J Christian Kessler via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Tue Jun 25 11:51:11 PDT 2024

I am 75 years old. I've been a birder since age 7, and a white male by
genetic heritage.
The world is quite different than it was when I was 50, and fundamentally
different than it was when I was born, or first birded. Many things have
changed for the better, many other things have changed for the worse (too
frequently changed beyond reversal or easy repair). And some have just
changed. Some of those changes please me, but too many others dismay me,
and too many frighten me.

Dennis is a colleague and I agree with him on a number of things discussed
here. Steve Hampton I know only from Tweeters but I agree with him on many
other things discussed here.

I have 2 children (in their 40s) and 2 grandsons (13 & 11). My concern is
how to help my childrens' generation, and how to recruit my grandson's
generation, to taking stronger and more effective actions to address the
really serious crises they face. It is not about making me less
uncomfortable, it is about minimizing or controlling the real dangers they
face (and too often are inheriting from my and previous generations).

Chris Kessler

“Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass … it’s about learning how
to dance in the rain.”
Deborah Tuck
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