[Tweeters] Inappropriate Posts

Jordan Gunn via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Tue Jun 25 09:30:38 PDT 2024

Who determines what subjects are inappropriate on Tweeters? One may think
discussion of things as broadly impactful as changing long standing birds
should be allowed, with input from those for and those opposed. Tweeters
has never been of itself a representative of the bird community, but rather
a forum for the bird community and its varying and sometimes opposing

That being said, if a subject invariably devolves into implied or outright
allegations of explicit or implicit racism, ageism, or sexism, and results
in people signing off on posts with race, age, or gender, perhaps the
discussion should not be on Tweeters.

Personally, I don't have strong feelings on the name changes - perhaps if I
signed off this email with my age, race, and gender, one could make
inferences on how those aspects affect my views on the subject, or what
weight my opinions should have, or how those characteristics inform my many
follies, but alas, one may just have to guess based on the above! But not
on Tweeters, please.

--Jordan Gunn
Edmonds, WA
uwjag21 at gmail.com
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