[Tweeters] Inappropriate posts - from the thread Amerigo Vespucci

Kevin Lucas via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Tue Jun 25 07:12:59 PDT 2024

Thank you very much.
Kevin Lucas -- A white male not yet over the 65 year old threshold, in
Yakima County, WA
*Qui tacet consentire videtur*

On Tue, Jun 25, 2024 at 6:37 AM Steve Hampton via Tweeters <
tweeters at u.washington.edu> wrote:

> In the absence of any intervention by a Tweeters administrator, I will

> reply.


> These posts against proposed bird name changes - usually with incorrect

> information and speculation regarding scope, costs and benefits, and other

> aspects - are inappropriate here and do harm to the birding community and

> the use of Tweeters as representative of the birding community.


> Without trying to convince anyone why bird names (and organization names)

> matter, I'll point out that they seem to matter to a lot of people.

> Regardless of the rationale, there are three basic facts about this issue:


> 1) The demographic breakdown on this issue is stark. Most younger people

> and people of color support the changes. Nearly all of the opposition comes

> from white people over 65. This tells me, from a diversity, equity, and

> inclusion perspective, there is a "there" there. We should pay attention to

> why this is.


> 2) Due to historical biases and discrimination in opportunities and

> privileges, the former group are the exact same demographics that are

> under-represented in birding; and the latter are far more likely to be

> today's field trip leaders, esteemed ornithologists, and conservation

> organization leaders. This is evident and much has been written about it.


> 3) Having the latter group publicly dismiss the former group (on any

> issue) is both insensitive and reckless when it comes to the future of

> birding. Using Tweeters as a safe space for the latter group to openly

> gripe and plan opposition is "gatekeeping" - public actions that preserve

> the status quo and drive certain newcomers away. Intentions don't matter

> here; impacts do. This is why so many younger people and people of color do

> not participate in Tweeters, certain other social media groups, many

> birding organizations, and their field trips.


> I'm dubious anyone will learn from this post, or be inspired to learn

> more. And I'm dubious about my continued participation in Tweeters.


> I do wish everyone good birding,



> --

> Steve Hampton

> Port Townsend, WA (qatáy)



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