[Tweeters] Amerigo Vespucci and the biggest loser

Dennis Paulson via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Mon Jun 24 14:04:40 PDT 2024

You two are so right. The proponents consistently bring up one good reason for doing it, and I and many others think that all that caring shown by them could be put into actually helping the people who are said to be offended by the names, not to mention putting it into bird research and conservation.

Changing bird names does nothing concrete for any group of people in any way. There seems to be no reason to do it other than changing history to remove past offenses, and does that really make people’s lives better? And there are so many good reasons not to, perhaps paramount among them the polarization this has caused in the ornithological and birding communities that will be long-lasting.

Sorry, Hal. ;-)

Dennis Paulson

> On Jun 24, 2024, at 1:16 PM, Greg via Tweeters <tweeters at u.washington.edu> wrote:


> Good point, Paula.

> I see it as a massive undertaking, expending much effort and time (and much $$$) with little true benefit. Not to mention what it will take for this growing birding world to adapt. Does anyone know for sure if the train has left the station? I truly want to put a stop to this. Is it still possible?


> Greg Pluth

> University Place

> Sent from my iPhone


>> On Jun 24, 2024, at 1:07 PM, Paula Crockett/Martin Gibbins via Tweeters <tweeters at u.washington.edu> wrote:




>> Hi Tweeters,

>> I get why the powers that be want to change the names, but who does this exercise benefit? It’s seems unlikely that it will help birds. Has anyone done a cost-benefit analysis? In this era of habitat loss, climate change, etc., it strikes me that the birds would be better served by directing that funding toward bird research and conservation.

>> Paula Crockett

>> Lake Joy, Carnation, WA

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