[Tweeters] I am resending my email to Tweeters from January 9 regarding the many species of birds with “common names” that start with the word Common- included is a link for a list of all common names of birds- “Fwd: List of birds by common name - Wikipedia; and My ‘Common’ Concern”-Please note that my email and concern is not related to the topic of replacing human names.

Dan Reiff via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Sun Jun 23 23:01:13 PDT 2024

Please note that my email and concern is not related to the topic of replacing human names.
Best regards,
Dan Reiff
Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Dan Reiff <dan.owl.reiff at gmail.com>

> Date: January 9, 2024 at 2:44:44 AM PST

> To: Tweeters <tweeters at uw.edu>

> Subject: List of birds by common name - Wikipedia; and My “Common” Concern


> It’s Wikipedia, but interesting.


> My hope is there was some person named “Common” so that some of my favorite, great birds, including, Common Poorwill, Common Nighthawk, Common Raven, Common Eider and Common Loon will finally be renamed with the respect they deserve.

> Also, I have never understood why the naming committee changed the name Rufous-sided Towhee to Spotted Towhee.

> It was such a great name, and descriptive, and fun to say!

> Who are these people that name bird species?


> While filming the Red Fox Sparrow at Ed N’s great backyard a few months ago, I was introduced to his neighbor. As we waited for the bird to arrive we discussed bird names that had changed.


> “I have never gotten over the name change from Rufous-sided Towhee” I said.

> “I still call them Rufous-sided Towhees” she said.


> I was refreshingly surprised by her response!


> Best regards and Happy New Year to the Tweets community!


> Dan Reiff



> Article listing all common bird names:


> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_birds_by_common_name


> Sent from my iPhone

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