[Tweeters] Marymoor Park (Redmond, King Co.) 2024-06-20

Michael Hobbs via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Thu Jun 20 16:51:56 PDT 2024

Tweets - We had a very nice Summer Solstice survey today, with good
weather. Few surprises, and no sign of the Lark Sparrow that was reported

Glaucous-winged Gull - Two flew overhead; only our 2nd sighting in 8
Caspian Tern - It seems odd, but we've had Caspians over 1/2 the years
for this week of the year. Four over the lake today
Green Heron - Beautiful adult at the Rowing Club pond. First of Year
Great Blue Heron - Maybe half of the chicks have fledged. Awkward
fishing techniques on display
Accipiter sp. - One that had me leaning towards Sharp-shinned, but it
never gave us good looks
YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT - Continuing from last week. Singing from
various locations in/near the south end of the East Meadow. Good looks
Yellow-rumped Warbler - Very well marked male "Audubon's" below the
weir. First since early May

Misses included Hooded and Common Mergansers, Rock Pigeon, Red-tailed Hawk,
Red-eyed Vireo, and Cliff Swallow.

For the day, 60 species. For the year, 127 species for the survey.

= Michael Hobbs
= www.marymoor.org/birding.htm
= birdmarymoor at gmail.com
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