[Tweeters] Male Cassin’s Finch begging

Robert O'Brien via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Mon Jun 17 19:41:22 PDT 2024

No insights on this amazing sighting. But, memories........
Decades ago I submitted a quiz bird to Kenn Kaufman along with two other
species for his Birders Magazine monthly quiz.
This quiz bird was an 'apparent' female Cassin's, bolding singing from a
tree top.. That created quite a controversy.for the ID.
As Karen says, first year male Cassin's look like females.but that does not
prevent them from getting into it.
But males begging? Hopefully someone will have an idea.
Bob OBrien Portland

On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 12:20 PM Karen Wosilait via Tweeters <
tweeters at u.washington.edu> wrote:

> My husband and I drove Umptanum Road from Ellensburg to Wenas campground

> yesterday. One treat in the later section was flocks of Cassin’s Finches.


> I saw a male with its beautiful red top clearly begging, wings

> outstretched and quivering, toward a female type bird.


> Now that we’re back in cell range, I checked Birds of the World, and

> juveniles do look like adult females as I had suspected. I’ve never seen an

> adult beg before. Does anyone have any insights?


> Karen Wosilait (she/her)

> Seattle, WA

> karen.w.mobile at gmail.com

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