[Tweeters] RE Decline in swallow numbers

Jim Betz via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Wed Jul 24 12:27:01 PDT 2024


  I'd like to report from a 'historical perspective'.  I grew up in
Anacortes and left there to go to

SF State ... way back in the fall of '63.  I still had family here in
Washington but until just 5

years ago I hadn't -lived- in the PNW.

  The population growth in the PNW - specifically on the West side of
the Cascades - is

extremely noticeable.  Even here in Skagit County (pop. 125,000 and
growing) the change is

huge.  Houses and roads everywhere, roads going from 2 lanes (old Hwy
99) to 4 or even 6

(I-5) lanes ... and crowded.  The number of cars literally anytime you
want to name on 20

between Anacortes and Mt.Vernon/Burlington is nearly at capacity.  "At
capacity" means

that if you add more volume of traffic you go over the capability of the
road to handle the

same average speed.

    Population growth also means 'loss of habitat' (food and nesting
sources).  Even the

pandemic didn't slow down the growth here in Skagit County (one of the
most rural

counties on the West side of the Cascades).

  We don't have the right perspective when we are discussing things if
we aren't taking

a longer view of 'history'.  What's happened in the last 5 years isn't
important - what's

important is what's happened in the last 50 years!

                                                              - rant
over ... Jim

P.S. BTW - the PNW is hugely better than Californicatia!

On 7/24/2024 12:04 PM, via Tweeters wrote:

> RE Decline in swallow numbers

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