[Tweeters] swallows & house sparrows

Dennis Paulson via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Mon Jul 22 18:04:51 PDT 2024

Some time ago I put a lot of historical records on eBird from the 1970s and 1980s, from both the Seattle area and Grays Harbor, and my numbers were questioned again and again, I presume by an algorithm, not a person. All I could do is respond to the reviewers "there were more birds then.”

Dennis Paulson

P.S. I’m pleased that all the data available agree with my assessments of population declines, except the part of me that wishes they didn’t!

> On Jul 22, 2024, at 5:57 PM, HAL MICHAEL via Tweeters <tweeters at u.washington.edu> wrote:


> This swallow decline/change is certainly of wider scope that just WA. As a kid in CA I went to Caswell State Park, which is in the Sac-Jouquin Delta, in the early 60s. Saw all 5 species of swallowe in abundance and all nesting. When I reported this when I first got on e-bird, I put them in as an historical observation. I was called out for either the Bank or Rough-winged (I forget which) because they aren't there any more. More recently (2010s) I reported a Cliff Swallow from the Yolo Bypass, outside of Sacramento. Again, called out because at that time of year Cave Swallows are apparently more likely. Lots of long-term changes going on.


> Hal Michael

> Board of Directors, Ecologists Without Borders <http://ecowb.org/>

> Olympia WA

> 360-459-4005

> 360-791-7702 (C)

> ucd880 at comcast.net



>> On 07/22/2024 5:05 PM PDT Mary Forrester via Tweeters <tweeters at u.washington.edu> wrote:



>> I live in Tukwila & spend a lot of time on the Green River trail. During this year, like many other Tweeters, I've also noticed a large decrease in the number of violet green & barn swallows, as well as more rough winged swallows. At the same time, I have also seen many more house sparrows. Anything we can do to discourage the house sparrows would, I think, be worth the effort.

>> Mary Forrester

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