[Tweeters] swallows & house sparrows

HAL MICHAEL via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Mon Jul 22 17:57:13 PDT 2024

This swallow decline/change is certainly of wider scope that just WA. As a kid in CA I went to Caswell State Park, which is in the Sac-Jouquin Delta, in the early 60s. Saw all 5 species of swallowe in abundance and all nesting. When I reported this when I first got on e-bird, I put them in as an historical observation. I was called out for either the Bank or Rough-winged (I forget which) because they aren't there any more. More recently (2010s) I reported a Cliff Swallow from the Yolo Bypass, outside of Sacramento. Again, called out because at that time of year Cave Swallows are apparently more likely. Lots of long-term changes going on.

Hal Michael
Board of Directors, Ecologists Without Borders http://ecowb.org/
Olympia WA
360-791-7702 (C)
ucd880 at comcast.net

> On 07/22/2024 5:05 PM PDT Mary Forrester via Tweeters <tweeters at u.washington.edu> wrote:



> I live in Tukwila & spend a lot of time on the Green River trail. During this year, like many other Tweeters, I've also noticed a large decrease in the number of violet green & barn swallows, as well as more rough winged swallows. At the same time, I have also seen many more house sparrows. Anything we can do to discourage the house sparrows would, I think, be worth the effort.

> Mary Forrester

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