[Tweeters] Uping my game - a different perspective ...

Jim Betz via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Wed Jul 17 10:48:54 PDT 2024

Hi all,

  So I have a new perspective on this topic.  I don't simply want to
hear and see more

birds - I also want them to be "near enough to photograph" because that
is my

primary interest.

  Again, what I do is to walk, stop, listen (including with Sound ID),
and look for birds.

In general I don't have my binoculars with me and rely upon my camera as
my 'binos'.

Only when my wife and I are out together do I normally have the binos
(because she

has hers).

  Let me be clear - it is not the 'technical aspects' of bird
photography that I want/need

to get better at ... it's being able to get opportunities to take
pictures of the birds.  I

think that means I need to be able to get close enough for pictures more
often.  Yes,

I know about being patient and waiting for the opportunities - and do that.

  Sometimes I have been able to anticipate the bird and when that
happens I get

some incredible shots.

  I don't know if this is important or not (but I think it is) ... I
always have more

opportunities when we are birding with a guide (professional or not).

  Does this new aspect make any changes in your recommendations of what
I should

be working on?

- Jim

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