[Tweeters] When Merlin Won't Hear

Jim Betz via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Fri Jul 12 13:21:06 PDT 2024


  Just a quick update.  I went out again this morning - to a different
location but probably

similar in terms of habitat.  The location today was the Skagit Land
Trust property

known as "Utopia Road" and is East of Sedro along North side of the
Skagit River.

  The behavior - SoundId stops hearing/reporting new songs/calls - was

the same.  If you let SoundId run continuously it will ask you if you
want to continue

after 10 minutes.  My observation is that this is not the 'trigger' and
that it stops

listening/hearing about 5 to 7 minutes from the start.

  However - I again noticed that SoundId seemed to 'ignore' very
distinctive and

loud songs/calls for species that it had reported just a few minutes before.

  Today's ratio of heard but not seen was about 3 to 1 or more -
meaning that it

reported species that I never saw/even got a glimpse of a possible.  For

location that is/was not surprising since it was a trail that wanders in
and out

between tall trees (alder and evergreens) and open country that had bushes

and grasses and berry vines between 4 and 15 feet tall.

  I have not had a response from the Dev team at Cornell yet. Watch
this space.

                                          - Jim

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