[Tweeters] How Early is Early?

Jim Betz via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Mon Jul 8 12:57:20 PDT 2024

Hi again,

  There are several birding locations I visit repeatedly that have a

drop off in activity in the middle of the day.  They are all here in
Skagit County

although I don't suspect that has much to do with it - none of them are much

change in elevation from each other - a couple hundred feet or so is
about the


  If this helps - the dawn chorus here at our house starts around 6 and

until after 7:30.  We see birds at the feeders (hummer and seed) before
7 most


  I typically go out for "2 to 4 hours" at a time.

  So, based upon the above - what time would you say is a good "early

                                         - Jim in Skagit County

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