[Tweeters] Waterville Plateau and OK Highlands this week

Jon Houghton jonbirder at comcast.net
Thu Jan 5 21:22:46 PST 2023

Hi Tweets - Just a quick note, in case any of you are heading over this way soon: Yesterday, Kathleen and I headed over Stevens Pass (no prob), up over Badger Mtn. (no prob, lovely, but no significant birds) to the Waterville Plateau. Not much to report along Rt. 2 except the usual Horned Larks, a Northern Shrike, and one Rough-legged Hawk, all the way to Atkins Lake. We headed north on M Rd, hoping to head up Heritage Rd. but that was unplowed. We followed the plowed route south on Road 1 past the first (only) farm about a mile to the area where we had seen a Snowy Owl last year. Nothing there, but continuing along to the east, we crested a rise and spooked up a very large white bird that flew north over the fields to roost on a rock pile - a Snowy!! Continuing on east the road turns back to the south, passes another farm and then rises a bit through more sage than wheat. I had just opined that this looked like a good place for Gray Partridge as we rounded a bend, and there were 6 of 'em right in the road. Very few birds from there, back east on US 2 to SR 172 north, with a quick detour through beautiful downtown Withrow where we found a few trees adorned with quite a few Cal. Quail. From there north to Bridgeport Hill Rd. and down to Brewster (very sad route since the fire), we saw no birds except maybe a BB Magpie and a Raven or two. Bridgeport St. Park was disappointing - could not find any owls, but did have a flyover of a Golden Eagle and a nice look at another RL Hawk. Overnight in Omak.

Today, we went north and east up into the Okanogan Highlands. There were many (>100) Chukar with the cattle on Fancher Road. From there, we headed up Siwash Cr. Rd. looking hard for Sharp-tailed Grouse. We saw very few birds and no Grouse until we got above the canyon to where the valley, and water birch broaden out. There we first saw a couple of grouse in some birch, quickly followed by the realization that there were many about. At least 20 took to the air as soon as I got out of the car. (Note: the car is a great blind, and a lot warmer than outside!). We continued along Siwash to the north over toward Havilla with only a heard-only Red Crossbill flock to put on the list - a far cry from our usual findings along this route!. On Havilla Rd., up to the Sno Park, and back to Havilla Rd. up to Nealy Rd. - nothing but a few ravens and BB Magpie; not even a Rock Pigeon at the several farms along the way. The Nealy Rd feeders had a lot of Juncos and a few RW blackbirds, but not much else we could see. Same for all the way to Chesaw, where we had a pretty good lunch at the Chesaw Tavern - any birders heading that way should plan that stop to support the local economy (closed Monday).

>From lunch in town, we headed down across the creek out Chesaw Rd. and quickly say a small flock of birds working cones in the top of a spruce - turned out to be Bohemian Waxwings, always a great bird. From there, only magpies and ravens up Mary Ann Cr. Rd. to where I finally spotted a single Ruffed Grouse in the brush along the creek (after staring into that thick riparian stuff for many miles). We stopped and did the Pygmy toots at numerous places throughout the day and NEVER raised a single nuthatch or chickadee!?! Finally found some Mountain Chickadees at the feeders at Mary Ann Cr. Ranch, where we met the very bird-friendly lady in charge of the feeders. From there, over to Molson Rd., through Molson town, and back down to Chesaw Rd. NO BIRDS. We realized, confirming the experience of Marcus and Heather last week, we had seen NO RAPTORS at all in the whole highlands!! Finally, around Teas Rd. we did see a couple of Bald and one Golden Eagle (but no Snow Buntings). From there back to Havilla Rd. back to the SnoPark at dusk, and down Havilla Rd. - No Owls! Only a few ravens. But....a pretty good trip overall. Conconully tomorrow. Happy Birding in 2023! - Jon Houghton, Edmonds

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