[pccgrads] Reminder! Speaker request from the City of Shoreline (virtual or in person)

Tue Sep 26 14:07:07 PDT 2023

We have a request for two presentations to help city planners understand climate and climate change impacts on the region. Please read on if you are interested (this request was also sent out last week), or if you are interested in outreach opportunities, but not this one, please respond to this email and let us know.

The request....

The Climate Impacts Group (CIG) forwarded us a request for two presentations in October--one on the Climate System and Causes of Climate Change-- one on Impacts Globally and in Our Region. The presentations would be to roughly 10 City Planners and Managers who will be implementing the Shoreline Climate Action Plan<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.shorelinewa.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/57890/638071306992730000__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!kNHMxTzWHrFsgA5oCRc1g1Tusuu7xmj3Oy6dQeOoeYRAJXiKAnFN5A8StrrQSNi39hs1B4jMoEiPqIio-A8$>. The request is coming from the Environmental Services Program Manager in the City of Shoreline.

Presentations would be 25 minutes (roughly) with time for questions and could be done by zoom or in person at Shoreline City Hall, as they have hybrid meetings. This would be during the workday (9-4 M to F). Ideally the two presentations would be done in consecutive weeks, and can could be done by different individuals.

I've got pdf examples from CIG of presentations they gave to the City of Burien on these topics, so you'd have a good starting point.

Please email me (Miriam, uwpcc at uw.edu) if you are interested in learning more about this request—I can connect you to these resources.

Also, as we are just getting started in the new academic year, if you are someone interested in doing climate outreach please let me know. If there are specific audiences, or content, you are interested in focusing on, let me know. The PCC grad students (PGraSC<https://pcc.uw.edu/people/graduate-student-steering-committee/>) organize a lot of the climate outreach requests we get, and they and I will add your names to lists of people to reach out to directly.

Hoping your quarter is getting off to a good start.



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