[mi-announce] UW Microsoft Account changes: manager & default givenName for those without a value

Microsoft Infrastructure Service Announcements via mi-announce mi-announce at u.washington.edu
Mon May 6 14:21:58 PDT 2024


The following changes are coming to UW Microsoft accounts:

* Manager data for UW Microsoft accounts will be available for employees

* All UW Microsoft accounts with an empty givenName will get a default givenName value of “-”

UW Microsoft accounts reference NETID Active Directory domain users<https://itconnect.uw.edu/tools-services-support/it-systems-infrastructure/msinf/design/users/> and uw.edu Entra ID<https://itconnect.uw.edu/tools-services-support/it-systems-infrastructure/msinf/aad/> users.


Manager data changes





IHME employees

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UW-IT employees

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All employees

Daily updates

Unknown at this time

All employees

Near real time based on changes in the Workday source system

The givenName change will happen in late May or early June.

More info:

These changes enable new capabilities and should otherwise not be impactful. These changes are happening now to enable an application to facilitate security training, which you’ll hear more about in coming months.

There are a variety of Microsoft products which can make use of manager data to enable capabilities, such as workflow approval capabilities. You may see information in user interfaces, e.g in the New Outlook application, the Organization tab for a specific person will now have reporting relationships.

The timing of the givenName default value depends on many factors, so its exact timing isn’t known at this time. If you’d like to hear more about this change, please let us know.

These changes are also part of an effort to replace and improve the identity synchronization process for UW Microsoft accounts. Later this year, we hope to replace that process with a near real-time data flow.

A detailed description of UW Microsoft Account identity data population is available at https://itconnect.uw.edu/tools-services-support/it-systems-infrastructure/msinf/design/arch/id-data-mapping/.

Brian Arkills
Microsoft Infrastructure service owner
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