[domweek] DOM Week, October 30-November 3, 2023
Department of Medicine weekly newsletter
domweek at u.washington.edu
Fri Oct 27 16:54:32 PDT 2023
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DOM Week
October 27, 2023
News, information, and events of interest from the Department of Medicine <http://bit.ly/1TemKEY>
(If you have items for DOM week, please email amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>)
Division Spotlight: Allergy and Infectious Diseases
[cid:image018.png at 01DA08F6.3CCEE520]As part of our 75th Anniversary, we are spotlighting each of our divisions over the course of the year, in the order they were established. In 1976, the Division of Infectious Diseases (founded in 1949 and led by Dr. William Kirby) and the Division of Allergy (founded in 1954 and led by Dr. Paul VanArsdel), were combined to form the new Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, led by Dr. Seymour Klebanoff.
Learn more on our news site<https://bit.ly/3qtAl99>.
New Department of Medicine Intranet site
The DOM Intranet site has recently been updated and migrated to a new modern SharePoint site. The new Intranet still contains all of the same content as the old site, however bookmarks and links to the Intranet will need to be updated.
View the new DOM Intranet<https://uwnetid.sharepoint.com/sites/dom_intranet>.
Staff news
New interim chief financial officer
[cid:image019.jpg at 01DA08F6.3CCEE520]We are pleased to announce that Dave Green will be our interim chief financial officer (CFO) and financial business planning and operations consultant, effective Nov. 6.
Dave has been the CFO/Associate Dean for Finance for the School of Medicine for 16 years, and in June transitioned to a Senior Finance Director role. He has been with the School of Medicine for 25 years, including 9 years as the Department of Neurosurgery Vice Chair position.
DEI news
Names & Pronunciations Initiative
A medical student-led initiative offers free badges personalized with written phonetic name pronunciation, available to UW and WWAMI personnel. Once ordered, badges will be printed and available for pick up at a UW mailbox or other convenient location. Place your order<https://bit.ly/499v7kx> and learn more about the project<https://bit.ly/40h0m92>.
Next ACC Health Equity Series Discusses Improving Cardiovascular Health Among Indigenous Communities
Join the ACC's Health Equity Task Force on Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. ET for the next installment of the Health Equity Webinar Series focused on improving cardiovascular health among Indigenous communities. Dr. Jason Deen, associate professor (Cardiology), ACC's IM Cardiology Program Steering Committee Co-Chair; and Dr. Amanda M. Fretts, will examine the burden of cardiovascular disease among Indigenous Peoples and the social determinants of health that contribute to this issue, while providing effective solutions and interventions.
Register today<https://bit.ly/40cQQEa> and follow along on X (formerly Twitter) using #ACCDiversity<https://bit.ly/3s8Tmia>.
Research news
[cid:image020.jpg at 01DA08F6.3CCEE520]'AI-triaged' 3D pathology improves cancer detection
An interdisciplinary research team including Wynn Burke, research consultant, and Dr. William Grady, professor (Gastroenterology) utilizes 'AI-triaged' 3D pathology to improve identification of esophageal neoplasias in patients with Barrett's esophagus, all while reducing the workload per specimen for the reviewing pathologist.
Read more from Hutch News<https://bit.ly/3QzEeDT>.
[cid:image021.jpg at 01DA08F6.3CCEE520]Dr. Rachel Issaka, associate professor (Gastroenterology) received the Presidential Poster Award for "Implementing an Organized Colorectal Cancer Screening Program Across a Large Health System" at the American College of Gastroenterology's Annual Scientific Meeting & Postgraduate Course.
Clinical news
HMC Mobile Health Outreach program
[cid:image022.png at 01DA08F6.3CCEE520]The Harborview Medical Center Mobile Health Outreach (MHO) Program brings community health outreach services directly to Seattle-area Tiny House Villages, free of charge. Health Sciences students and faculty volunteers, equipped with the specially-outfitted MHO Van, work to meet the needs of medical underserved community members.
The program is led by Drs. Genevieve Pagalilauan, associate professor, Aynsley Duncan, clinical assistant professor and Jocelyn James, assistant professor (General Internal Medicine) and Dr. Tracy Brazg (Department of Bioethics and Humanities).
Read more on our news site<https://bit.ly/477lKjl>.
Recent publications
Dr. Joey Chiang, R2 is co-author of "Homelessness and Incidence and Causes of Sudden Death: Data From the POST SCD Study<https://bit.ly/3Qi8Gkz>" in JAMA Internal Medicine.
Dr. Paul Drain, associate professor (Allergy and infectious Diseases) is senior author of "Rapid Antigen and Antibody Microfluidic Immunofluorescence Assays Compared to Culture, PCR, and Laboratory Reference Tests: Performance in a Longitudinal Cohort<https://bit.ly/40b7UdL>" in the Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Drs. Megan Files, postdoctoral scholar and Chetan Seshadri, associate professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) are co-authors of "T-SPOT.TB Reactivity in Southern African Children With and Without in Utero Human Immunodeficiency Virus Exposure<https://bit.ly/3QAJpn5>" in Clinical Infectious Diseases.
Dr. Jason Goldman, clinical assistant professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is co-author of "Organ-specific immunity: A tissue analysis framework for investigating local immune responses to SARS-CoV-2<https://bit.ly/3QvAKSJ>" in Cell Reports.
Drs. Jonathan Himmelfarb, professor, Katherine Tuttle, clinical professor, Bryan Kestenbaum, professor, and Ian de Boer, professor (Nephrology) are co-authors of "Endogenous adenine mediates kidney injury in diabetic models and predicts diabetic kidney disease in patients<https://bit.ly/45J4WhC>" in the Journal of Clinical Investigation.
Dr. Ayesha Khader, R3 is lead author and Dr. Pavan Bhatraju, associate professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) is senior author of "The Interaction of Acute Kidney Injury with Resuscitation Strategy in Sepsis: A Secondary Analysis of a Multicenter, Phase 3, Randomized Trial (CLOVERS)<https://bit.ly/3Qf156b>" in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. DOM co-authors are Leila Zelnick, Neha Sathe, Bryan Kestenbaum, Jonathan Himmelfarb, and Nicholas Johnson
Dr. Barbara Konkle, professor (Hematology and Oncology) is co-author of "Giroctocogene fitelparvovec gene therapy for severe hemophilia A: 104-week analysis of the Phase 1/2 Alta study<https://bit.ly/3s8NhCb>" in Blood.
Lakshin Kumar, student assistant is lead author and Dr. Ajit Limaye, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is senior author of "Association of CMV DNAemia with Long-Term Mortality in a Randomized Trial of Preemptive Therapy (PET) and Antiviral Prophylaxis (AP) for Prevention of CMV Disease in High-Risk Donor Seropositive, Recipient Seronegative (D+R-) Liver Transplant Recipients<https://bit.ly/45Pjs7t>" in Clinical Infectious Diseases. DOM co-authors are Robert Rakita and Cynthia Fisher.
Dr. Mazyar Shadman, associate professor (Hematology and Oncology) is co-author of "Outcomes for patients with EBV-positive PTLD post-allogeneic HCT after failure of rituximab-containing therapy<https://bit.ly/45OO2ht>" in Bone Marrow Transplantation.
Dr. T. Eoin West, professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) is senior author of "Statin Use and Reduced Risk of Pneumonia in Melioidosis Patients: A Lung-Specific Statin Association<https://bit.ly/405NWkz>" in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society.
In the news
Dr. John Amory, professor (General Internal Medicine) is quoted in "The Top 10 Health Breakthroughs That Changed How We Live Now<https://bit.ly/45PWTiU>" from Men's Health.
Dr. Anthony Back, professor (Hematology and Oncology) is quoted in "After second high-profile crime linked to psychedelic mushrooms, experts talk about how they affect the brain<https://bit.ly/46Kw15x>" from KING-TV.
Dr. Helen Chu, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in "The new vaccines-and you: Americans better armed than ever<https://bit.ly/3Qzf0Fr>" from the Montana Free Press.
Dr. Scott Hagan, assistant professor (General Internal Medicine) is quoted in "The Wegovy shortage drags on, leaving patients in limbo<https://bit.ly/45QjcoI>" from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Dr. Sara Hurvitz, professor and head (Hematology and Oncology) is quoted in "Enhertu Shows Survival Improvements For Patients With Mestastatic Breast Cancer<https://bit.ly/3QAhTWD>" from CURE Magazine.
Dr. Joshua Liao, associate professor (General Internal Medicine) is quoted in "Affording healthcare a struggle for half of working-age Americans, survey finds<https://bit.ly/40cR12i>" from UPI and "What is the hygiene hypothesis? An explainer<https://bit.ly/3ShvfbN>" from KING-TV.
Weekly Calendar, October 30 - November 3, 2023
Our events calendar is posted on our website<https://medicine.uw.edu/news/trumba-calendar>.
Coming up
Office of Faculty Affairs Workshops, Fall/Winter 2023
* Well Being & Resilience Series:
Compassion, Empathy, and Pursuing Kindness to Ourselves<https://faculty.uwmedicine.org/events-calendar/well-being-and-resilience-series-2-compassion-empathy-and-pursuing-kindness-to-ourselves/>, Nov. 1, 2-3pm
* Mid-Career Faculty: You Got Promoted to Associate Professor, Now What?<https://faculty.uwmedicine.org/events-calendar/mid-career-faculty-you-got-promoted-to-associate-professor-now-what-3/>, Nov. 16, 9-11am
* Leading Change<https://faculty.uwmedicine.org/events-calendar/leadership-series-leading-change/>, Dec. 6, 1-3pm
2023/24 Gender Equity Lunch series
The theme for the 2023/2024 Gender Equity Lunch Series is: Am I on the right track? Career development, support, and mentorship for women and gender minorities in the Department of Medicine. Upcoming lunches:
* Nov. 8, 2023: Career development and well-being initiatives for staff (Panel: Mona Deprey, Rebekah Zaharia, Maureen Johnson, Ruth Sanchez, Lori Joubert)
* Jan. 24, 2024: Non-linear career paths: Advocacy (Panel: Andrea Christopher, Helen Jack, Amy Kennedy, Genevieve Pagalilauan)
* March 4, 2024: Supporting women in academia: A dyad mentorship model (Addie McClintock)
* May 10, 2024: Building a career as a woman physician-scientist (Panel: Nisha Bansal, Rotonya Carr, Geetanjali Chander, Ellen Schur)
Listening session
Department Chair Dr. Barbara Jung and Associate Chair Dr. Cynthia Ko will be holding a virtual listening session on Nov. 8, 7:30-8:30am to hear the concerns of department faculty and answer questions. If you would like to attend, please RSVP here<https://forms.office.com/r/VFHqnEtqtS> and include any questions you would like us to address. To facilitate discussion, we will cap this session at 20 participants. Please direct any questions or concerns to Cynthia Ko<mailto:cwko at uw.edu>.
DOM LGBTQ+ Fall Gathering
Please join us for a Department of Medicine LGBTQ+ meet & greet. We welcome all LGBTQ-identifying members and allies to come for a lunch break. All people within DOM are welcome, including faculty, staff, fellows, residents, and students. The event will be a casual mixer, with sandwiches and coffee. Please come chat with us on how to get more involved in the LGBTQ+ Council. Nov. 13, between 11:20am and 1:30pm, Health Sciences room BB 1220. Please RSVP<https://forms.office.com/r/dqWqFw8B68>
DEI Lecture Series
Angela Roumain, executive director of Denova Collaborative Health, will present "Unveiling Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in the United States: Disparities and Challenges in Women's Health" on Nov. 13, 3-4pm, followed by Q&A, 4-4:30pm.
Learn more and register<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/bit.ly/45O1Ie0__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hlTirDtNjidkqsqFcZNRlBRLFl8sMAqkpn3oQI5Pt6oQ8fHg0kxhDUrDH3jjA_jGaedFkoJdkBZQJS3K0lEEQZw$>.
Amy Fields, Editor
(206) 685-3685
amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>
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