[domweek] DOM Week, October 23-27, 2023
Department of Medicine weekly newsletter
domweek at u.washington.edu
Fri Oct 20 15:17:08 PDT 2023
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DOM Week
October 20, 2023
News, information, and events of interest from the Department of Medicine <http://bit.ly/1TemKEY>
(If you have items for DOM week, please email amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>)
Department of Health Secretary's Award
[cid:image002.jpg at 01DA0368.7AE4AD60]Dr. Leo Morales, professor (General Internal Medicine) is this year's recipient of the Secretary's Award from the Washington state Department of Health. The Secretary of Health's Annual Award recognizes the strong work occurring around Washington state in the field of public health and links that work with the dedicated people working every single day - often behind the scenes - to protect and promote the health and well-being of everyday Washingtonians. Dr. Morales was honored for his work protecting and promoting the health of Latino communities in Washington state and across the Pacific Northwest.
Learn more on our news site<https://bit.ly/45ASxwi>.
Women Oncologist of the Year
[cid:image004.jpg at 01DA0368.7AE4AD60]The Women Leaders in Oncology (WLO) presented Dr. Julie Gralow, professor emeritus (Hematology and Oncology) with the Woman Oncologist of the Year Award. She was honored as a true leader in this field, distinguished not only by her work to advance breast cancer research, but also to promote greater equity across cancer care.
DEI news
[cid:image006.jpg at 01DA0368.7AE4AD60]Civil Rights Learning Tour
Sean Greenlee, DEI program manager, and Dr. Masaoki Kawasumi, assistant professor (Dermatology) embarked on a Civil Rights Learning Tour last spring, with stops in Atlanta, Georgia and Birmingham, Selma, Tuskegee and Montgomery, Alabama.
Read about the highlights from their trip on our news site<https://bit.ly/3rPG6ia>.
Save the date: DOM LGBTQ+ Fall Gathering
Please join us for a Department of Medicine LGBTQ+ meet & greet. We welcome all LGBTQ-identifying members and allies to come for a lunch break. All people within DOM are welcome, including faculty, staff, fellows, residents, and students. The event will be a casual mixer, with sandwiches and coffee. Please come chat with us on how to get more involved in the LGBTQ+ Council. Nov. 13, between 11:20am and 1:30pm, Health Sciences room BB 1220.
Faculty news
[cid:image008.jpg at 01DA0368.7AE4AD60]Dr. Rotonya Carr, associate professor and head (Gastroenterology) has been appointed Governing Board Councilor for the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD). AASLD is the leading organization of scientists and health care professionals committed to preventing and curing liver disease.
Staff news
New Cardiology Administrator
[cid:image010.jpg at 01DA0368.7AE4AD60]We are pleased to announce that Ashleigh Grogan will be our new permanent administrator in the Division of Cardiology, effective immediately. She is currently the interim administrator.
Ashleigh came to the University of Washington in 2021 as an associate administrator in the Division of Cardiology with work spanning all areas of division operations. Prior to joining the UW, she worked at the at the University of Arizona for nearly 10 years in increasingly progressive leadership roles, including as a business manager for the Division of Agriculture, Life and Veterinary Sciences.
She has a bachelor's degree in Health Sciences from the University of Arizona.
Research news
'Morning-after' pill recommended to reduce spread of STIs
[cid:image012.jpg at 01DA0368.7AE4AD60]A common antibiotic is poised to become a "morning-after" pill to reduce the spread of chlamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea among populations at higher risk for contracting those bacterial infections.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) last week issued a preliminary recommendation for doxycycline to be prescribed to members of two groups - trans women and men who have sex with men - who also have experienced at least one sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the previous year and who are at ongoing risk to acquire an STI.
Preventive doxycycline is "the best new intervention that's been identified for STI prevention for quite a long time," said Dr. Connie Celum, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases). "Every year for the last six or seven years, there's been an increase in bacterial STIs in the U.S. So, the current approach of testing and treating is just not enough."
Read the full story from UW Medicine Newsroom<https://bit.ly/3tCuMXr>.
[cid:image014.jpg at 01DA0368.7AE4AD60]Dr. May Reed, associate professor (Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine) is PI for the TRIAD study within the Dog Aging Project. TRIAD (Test of Rapamycin in Aging Dogs) is a clinical trial currently underway across the United States that seeks to assess the effects of rapamycin on health and aging in dogs.
Rapamycin, originally developed as an immunosuppressant for organ transplant patients, has become the subject of keen interest in aging and longevity research due to numerous positive lifespan and health span studies in research labs around the world.
TRIAD has 20 sites across the United States and over 100 dogs enrolled. There is a potential to learn from TRIAD about human longevity. "There is such a clear correlation in dogs with the syndromes that older people develop, whether you want to call it aging, or diseases associated with aging," said Reed.
Learn more about the project<https://bit.ly/4056b9F>.
Recent publications
Dr. Rahul Banerjee, assistant professor, is lead author, and Dr. Andrew Cowan, associate professor (Hematology and Oncology) is senior author of "Association between dexamethasone exposure and visually significant cataracts in multiple myeloma<https://bit.ly/48X1oLA>" in the American Journal of Hematology and "Definers and drivers of functional high-risk multiple myeloma: insights from genomic, transcriptomic, and immune profiling<https://bit.ly/3M7Km3I>" in Frontiers in Oncology. DOM co-author is Kara Cicero.
Dr. Heather Cheng, associate professor (Hematology and Oncology) is co-author of "Poly(ADP-ribose) Polymerase Inhibitor Combinations in First-Line Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer: Increasing Toxicity With Unclear Benefits<https://bit.ly/3ZZYkKD>" in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
Dr. Helen Chu, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is co-author of "Burden of respiratory syncytial virus-associated acute respiratory infections during pregnancy<https://bit.ly/3M7ebkM>" in the Journal of Infectious Diseases.
Dr. Jason Dominitz, professor (Gastroenterology) wrote "Key landmarks to be documented and photographed during colonoscopy<https://bit.ly/46BFBr0>" in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
Dr. Stephan Fihn, professor (General Internal Medicine) is senior author of "Evaluating the Application of Large Language Models in Clinical Research Contexts<https://bit.ly/46V1AJj>" in JAMA Network Open.
Dr. Carrie Ho, fellow, is lead author, and Dr. Stephen Smith, associate professor (Hematology and Oncology) is senior author of "Pembrolizumab with R-CHOP in Previously Untreated DLBCL: Sustained, High Efficacy and Safety with Long-Term Follow-Up<https://bit.ly/3QnOzTl>" in Clinical Lymphoma, Myeloma & Leukemia. DOM co-authors are Ajay Gopal, Brian Till, Mazyar Shadman, Ryan Lynch, Andrew Cowan, Heather Rasmussen, Chaitra Ujjani and Ryan Cassaday.
Dr. Emily Liang, fellow, is lead author, and Dr. Jordan Gauthier, associate professor (Hematology and Oncology) is senior author of "Factors associated with long-term outcomes of CD19 CAR T-cell therapy for relapsed/refractory CLL<https://bit.ly/3SjK1ij>" in Blood Advances. DOM co-authors are Aya Albittar, Jennifer Huang, Alexandre Hirayama, Erik Kimble, Andrew Portuguese, Aude Chapuis, Mazyar Shadman, Brian Till, Ryan Cassaday, Filippo Milano, Hans-Peter Kiem, Stanley Riddell, Cameron Turtle and David Maloney.
Dr. Catherine Liu, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is co-author of "Priorities and Progress in Gram-positive Bacterial Infection Research by the Antibacterial Resistance Leadership Group: A Narrative Review<https://bit.ly/3Ftdoqo>" in Clinical Infectious Diseases.
Drs. E. Houston Warren, professor, Lee Cranmer, professor, Elizabeth Loggers, clinical associate professor, Michael Wagner, associate professor, and Stanley Riddell, professor (Hematology and Oncology) are co-authors of "Toll-Like Receptor 4 Agonist Injection With Concurrent Radiotherapy in Patients With Metastatic Soft Tissue Sarcoma: A Phase 1 Nonrandomized Controlled Trial<https://bit.ly/3tKmD2U>" in JAMA Oncology.
Dr. Monica Pagano, adjunct associate professor (Hematology and Oncology) is senior author of "Red Blood Cell Transfusion: 2023 AABB International Guidelines<https://bit.ly/46NEWTe>" in JAMA.
Dr. Andrew Portuguese, assistant professor, is lead author, and Dr. Damian Green, associate professor (Hematology and Oncology) is senior author of "Acquired CD38 Gene Deletion as a Mechanism of Tumor Antigen Escape in Multiple Myeloma<https://bit.ly/45zbpf1>" in Blood Advances.
Dr. David Watkins, associate professor (General Internal Medicine) wrote "Policy priorities for preventing stroke-related mortality and disability worldwide<https://bit.ly/3rPsJhV>" in The Lancet Neurology.
In the news
Dr. Ian de Boer, professor (Nephrology) is quoted in "Will Kidney Disease Patients Finally Receive New Drug Class?<https://wb.md/48ZlAwm>" in Medscape.
Dr. Mary (Nora) Disis, professor (Hematology and Oncology) is quoted in "Clinical Challenges: Vaccines That Target Cancers<https://bit.ly/3FpUC3g>" in MedPage Today.
Dr. Sylvia LaCourse, associate professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in "Maternal COVID-19 Vaccination, Infection Boosts Infant Antibody Response<https://bit.ly/3SjL8P1>" in Contagion Live.
Dr. Jonathan Himmelfarb, professor, and Glenda Roberts, director of patient engagement and external relations (Nephrology) wrote the commentary "Innovation pillars can help guide development of dialysis transformation<https://bit.ly/48VsF0Q>" in Healio.
Dr. Doug Paauw, professor (General Internal Medicine) is quoted in "6 Tips to Avoid Medication Mistakes<https://bit.ly/46Ot2IG>" in Newswires.
Dr. Anna Wald, professor and head (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is featured in "Genital herpes: expanding the toolbox<https://bit.ly/46PAHGG>" in Contemporary Pediatrics.
Weekly Calendar, October 23-27, 2023
Our events calendar is posted on our website<https://medicine.uw.edu/news/trumba-calendar>.
Coming up
Office of Faculty Affairs Workshops, Fall/Winter 2023
* Well Being & Resilience Series:
Compassion, Empathy, and Pursuing Kindness to Ourselves<https://faculty.uwmedicine.org/events-calendar/well-being-and-resilience-series-2-compassion-empathy-and-pursuing-kindness-to-ourselves/>, Nov. 1, 2-3pm
* Leadership Series:
Leading Change<https://faculty.uwmedicine.org/events-calendar/leadership-series-leading-change/>, Dec. 6, 1-3pm
* Career Development Series: Mid-Career Faculty: You Got Promoted to Associate Professor, Now What?<https://faculty.uwmedicine.org/events-calendar/mid-career-faculty-you-got-promoted-to-associate-professor-now-what-3/>, Nov. 16, 9-11am
2023/24 Gender Equity Lunch series
The theme for the 2023/2024 Gender Equity Lunch Series is: Am I on the right track? Career development, support, and mentorship for women and gender minorities in the Department of Medicine. Upcoming lunches:
* Nov. 8, 2023: Career development and well-being initiatives for staff (Panel: Mona Deprey, Rebekah Zaharia, Maureen Johnson, Ruth Sanchez, Lori Joubert)
* Jan. 24, 2024: Non-linear career paths: Advocacy (Panel: Andrea Christopher, Helen Jack, Amy Kennedy, Genevieve Pagalilauan)
* March 4, 2024: Supporting women in academia: A dyad mentorship model (Addie McClintock)
* May 10, 2024: Building a career as a woman physician-scientist (Panel: Nisha Bansal, Rotonya Carr, Geetanjali Chander, Ellen Schur)
Listening session
Department Chair Dr. Barbara Jung and Associate Chair Dr. Cynthia Ko will be holding a virtual listening session on Nov. 8, 7:30-8:30am to hear the concerns of department faculty and answer questions. If you would like to attend, please RSVP here<https://forms.office.com/r/VFHqnEtqtS> and include any questions you would like us to address. To facilitate discussion, we will cap this session at 20 participants. Please direct any questions or concerns to Cynthia Ko<mailto:cwko at uw.edu>.
DEI Lecture Series
Angela Roumain, executive director of Denova Collaborative Health, will present "Unveiling Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in the United States: Disparities and Challenges in Women's Health" on Nov. 13, 3-4pm, followed by Q&A, 4-4:30pm.
Learn more and register<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/bit.ly/45O1Ie0__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hlTirDtNjidkqsqFcZNRlBRLFl8sMAqkpn3oQI5Pt6oQ8fHg0kxhDUrDH3jjA_jGaedFkoJdkBZQJS3K0lEEQZw$>.
Amy Fields, Editor
(206) 685-3685
amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>
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