[domweek] DOM Week, March 7-11, 2022
Department of Medicine weekly newsletter
domweek at u.washington.edu
Fri Mar 4 16:55:59 PST 2022
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DOM Week
March 4, 2022
News, information, and events of interest from the Department of Medicine <http://bit.ly/1TemKEY>
(If you have items for DOM week, please email amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>)
Nora Disis receives Award for Science Advancement and Leadership
[Image-empty-state.png]Dr. Mary (Nora) Disis, professor (Medical Oncology) has been selected as the winner of the 2022 Award for Science Advancement and Leadership by the Seattle Chapter of the Association for Women in Science (AWIS). The AWIS awards honor outstanding women for their achievements in advancing science or technology, contributing to STEM education or being outstanding mentors and leaders.
Gender Equity Awards
[cid:image005.png at 01D82FE8.B6EB9440]The Department of Medicine is proud to announce the establishment of the Gender Equity Awards. Four awards will be presented each year. One faculty or trainee and one staff award in two categories: Mentorship and Trailblazer.
The Mentorship Awards honor those who have encouraged and supported women and gender minorities in their academic and professional endeavors.
The Trailblazer Awards honors those who have blazed a trail for women and gender minorities, served as a catalyst for change that enhances the success of women and gender minorities, and/or who have made noteworthy contributions to the department, school or larger community.
Nominations are currently being accepted, deadline is April 29. Please visit our website<https://bit.ly/3semEZN> for more information.
Diversity news
Celebrating Women’s History Month
[cid:image007.jpg at 01D82FE8.B6EB9440]The 2022 Women’s History theme, “Providing Healing, Promoting Hope,” is both a tribute to the ceaseless work of caregivers and frontline workers during this ongoing pandemic and also a recognition of the thousands of ways that women of all cultures have provided both healing and hope throughout history.
In honor of Women's History Month, we will be sharing the accomplishments of the inaugural year of our Gender Equity Council, and accepting nominations for our new Gender Equity Awards<https://bit.ly/3semEZN>. We will also continue to highlight the achievements of women in the Department of Medicine throughout the month, and year-round!
Using an Equity Lens in Decision Making
[cid:image009.png at 01D82FE8.B6EB9440]In the latest Thrivecast episode<https://bit.ly/3qQS1rs>, Drs. Paula Houston and Bessie Young (Office of Healthcare Equity) introduce the UW Medicine Equity Impact Tool<https://depts.washington.edu/hcequity/equity-impact-review-tool/> for recognizing equity issues in workplace decisions, with a focus on educational, clinical, and research domains. Thrivecast is hosted by Dr. Patricia Kritek, professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) to provide tips to help clinicians, educators, and researchers thrive professionally in their careers, covering topics from time management and organization to leadership and self-advocacy.
Faculty news
[Radhika Narla, M.D.]Dr. Radhika Narla, assistant professor (Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition) has been selected by the School of Medicine Committee for Women and Science to attend the 2022 AAMC Early Career Women Faculty Development Seminar in July in Minneapolis, MN. Dr. Narla is the VA Site Director for the Endocrinology Fellowship Program and Sub-Specialty Medicine Assistant Program Director for the Internal Medicine Residency Program.
Research news
Rachel Issaka receives Health Equity Research Award
[Profile Photo]Dr. Rachel Issaka, assistant professor (Gastroenterology) is a recipient of the 2022 American Collage of Gastroenterology (AGA) Health Equity Research Award for her project: “A Pilot Video Intervention to Decrease Fear of Colonoscopy in a Safety‐Net Healthcare System.” The newly created Health Equity Research Award supports actionable science that will translate to reducing health and/or healthcare disparities, thereby promoting health equity.
Lifesaving immunotherapy trial at SCCA
[cid:image015.png at 01D82FE8.B6EB9440]Patient D.J. Blackrick had exhausted all the standard treatments for multiple myeloma. His only option was to travel across the country to participate in a clinical trial under the guidance of Dr. Andrew Cowan, associate professor (Medical Oncology). In this trial he would receive CAR T-cell therapy, which would re-engineer his body’s own cells, then reinfuse them to fight his disease. This particular trial emerged from research conducted by Dr. Damian Green at Fred Hutch.
“The idea-which is based on pre-clinical work done at Fred Hutch-is if we can increase the target on plasma cells, the CAR T cells can potentially work better,” says Dr. Cowan. “Dr. Green’s pre-clinical work, as well as data from our trial, showed that gamma secretase inhibitors can increase BCMA on the plasma cells. The results look very promising. This is a great example of translational research done at Fred Hutch that led to a novel treatment combination that could potentially benefit patients.”
By the time Blackrick arrived in Seattle in July 2019, his plasma consisted of about 90% cancer cells. He has now been in remission for over a year. He credits Dr. Cowan with saving his life.
Read the full story on the SCCA website<https://bit.ly/3KcEp1N>.
Recent publications
Dr. Jennifer Best, associate professor (General Internal Medicine) is senior author of “Men and Women Pursue Nonlinear Career Paths, but Impacts Differ: a Cross-Sectional Study of Academic Hospitalists<https://bit.ly/3puEXbx>” in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.
Dr. Lee Bockus, fellow, is lead author and Dr. Michael Chen, associate professor (Cardiology) is senior author of “Heart of Gold: A Scintillating Pericardial Effusion<https://bit.ly/3hykwWR>” in Circulation. DOM co-author is Kenta Nakamura.
Dr. Alyssa Castillo, fellow, is lead author and Dr. Chloe Bryson-Cahn, assistant professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is senior author of “Rapid Molecular SARS-CoV-2 Testing in Hospital Employees with Mild Non-specific Respiratory Symptoms Facilitates Expedient Return to Work<https://bit.ly/36ZxbQx>” in Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology. DOM co-authors are Jeannie Chan and John Lynch.
Dr. Cynthia Fisher, associate professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is senior author of “Delayed mortality among solid organ transplant recipients hospitalized for COVID-19<https://bit.ly/3triugv>” in Clinical Infectious Diseases. DOM co-authors are Robert Rakita, Jason Goldman, Erika Lease, Anna Wald and Ajit Limaye.
Nicolas Franco, Jenni Logue and Dr. Helen Chu (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) are co-authors of “SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infections elicit potent, broad, and durable neutralizing antibody responses<https://bit.ly/37120nY>” in Cell.
Ke-Qin Gong, research scientist, is lead author, and Dr. Anne Manicone, associate professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) is senior author of “MAP2K2 Delays Recovery in Murine Models of Acute Lung Injury and Associates with ARDS Outcome<https://bit.ly/3taHNU4>” in the American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology. DOM co-authors are Charles Frevert, Timothy Birkland, Sina Gharib and Carmen Mikacenic.
Dr. Jonathan Himmelfarb, professor (Nephrology) is co-author of “Serum Protein Exposure Activates a Core Regulatory Program Driving Human Proximal Tubule Injury<https://bit.ly/3HT3Vb3>” in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
Dr. Gail Jarvik, professor and head (Medical Genetics) wrote “2021 ASHG presidential address-Imagination and daring: Past, present, and future<https://bit.ly/3pEXAcG>” in the American Journal of Human Genetics.
Dr. Bryan Kestenbaum, professor (Nephrology) is co-author of “Association of Clonal Hematopoiesis of Indeterminate Potential with Worse Kidney Function and Anemia in Two Cohorts of Patients with Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease<https://bit.ly/3Kj6d4P>” in the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology.
Dr. Hans-Peter Kiem, professor (Medical Oncology) is co-author of “Synthetic introns enable splicing factor mutation-dependent targeting of cancer cells<https://go.nature.com/3KkzeNz>” in Nature Biotechnology and “Efficient polymer nanoparticle-mediated delivery of gene editing reagents into human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells<https://bit.ly/3tyK5wm>” in Molecular Therapy.
In the news
Dr. Chloe Bryson-Cahn, assistant professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in “After 2 years of COVID in Seattle area, do we dare hope for ‘normal’?<https://bit.ly/3pqKMH0>” in the Seattle Times.
Dr. Helen Chu, associate professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in “Understanding, preventing and treating long-term effects of COVID: RECOVER study enrolling patients from Pacific Northwest<https://bit.ly/3Kt2RfJ>” in Science Magazine.
Dr. Larry Corey, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in “Will we get a single, variant-proof vaccine for Covid?<https://bit.ly/3poMecP>” in the Guardian.
Dr. Gary Lyman, professor (Medical Oncology) is quoted in “What Not To Say To Immunocompromised People Right Now<https://bit.ly/3tstw5a>” in the Huffington Post.
Dr. Julie McElrath, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in “Got a Covid Booster? You Probably Won’t Need Another for a Long Time<https://nyti.ms/3HAUqNy>” in the New York Times.
Dr. Santiago Neme, clinical associate professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in “Washington hospital leaders recommend masking indoors despite lifting mandates<https://bit.ly/3vD2r1U>” from KGW8.
Events of interest
Medicine Grand Rounds
Dr. Chris Longenecker (Cardiology) will present “Global cardiovascular health research and education: The importance of equitable partnerships” at Medicine Grand Rounds on Friday, March 11, 2022,12-1pm, via zoom<https://washington.zoom.us/j/812197730>.
Gender Equity Lunch Series: Meet & Greet with the Gender Equity Council
The Gender Equity Council (GEC) is hosting a Gender Equity Lunch Series<https://medicine.uw.edu/diversity/gender-equity/lunch> “Meet & Greet with the Gender Equity Council” to provide a space for people to ask questions and have a discussion about gender equity and the work of the GEC in a more informal way. Thursday, March 10, 12pm via zoom<https://washington.zoom.us/j/94259038750>. Please register for this event<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=W9229i_wGkSZoBYqxQYL0kziYS8KsPlJp974AFRYu_hURUNNVkJTUlBONFlEUVhTTEpMSlFFM0tPMC4u>.
Weekly Calendar, March 7-11, 2022
Our events calendar is posted on our website<https://medicine.uw.edu/news/trumba-calendar>.
Coming up
Science Says with Hutch Scientists
Trevor Noah, comedian and host of "The Daily Show" will have a dynamic conversation with Hutch scientists, including DOM faculty Drs. Rachel Issaka and Thomas Lynch, about increasing access to the latest innovative care and research for cancer, COVID-19, HIV and more on March 22, 9-10am. Register for this event<https://bit.ly/3rpMFVE>.
Gender Equity Lunch Series: Data Bias
[cid:image017.png at 01D82FE8.B6EB9440]On Thursday, March 31, 12-1pm, Kelsey Griffin, division operations manager (Gastroenterology), Anna Tappel, resident (Dermatology) and Steph Timm, residency and fellowship programs administrator (Dermatology) will moderate a discussion on Data Bias. Join via zoom<https://washington.zoom.us/j/95127955690>. Led by guest moderators, the Gender Equity Lunch Series<https://medicine.uw.edu/diversity/gender-equity/lunch> focuses on topics related to gender equity and leadership development. This series is open to all members of all genders in the Department of Medicine. Please register for this series<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=W9229i_wGkSZoBYqxQYL0kziYS8KsPlJp974AFRYu_hURFBNTEdCMVdHWks3RTRPNkg5MTA3VDlZTi4u>.
Symposium in Medical Ethics on Race, Health and Justice
The Benjamin Rabinowitz Symposium in Medical Ethics on “Race, Health and Justice” is a one-day, cross disciplinary symposium which will present theoretical and empirical research on racial injustice and its impact on health and well-being. The Keynote Speaker is George Yancy, Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Philosophy at Emory University. April 15. For more information and to register, please visit the UW Dept. of Philosophy website.<https://bit.ly/3sxKoHl>
Amy Fields, Editor
(206) 685-3685
amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>
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