[domweek] DOM Week, April 25-29, 2022
Department of Medicine weekly newsletter
domweek at u.washington.edu
Fri Apr 22 16:58:33 PDT 2022
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DOM Week
April 22, 2022
News, information, and events of interest from the Department of Medicine <http://bit.ly/1TemKEY>
(If you have items for DOM week, please email amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>)
Diversity Academic Development Scholarship Award
[cid:image017.jpg at 01D8566A.31383940]Congratulations to Dr. Busola Oluwole, fellow (Hematology), the 2022 recipient of the Diversity Academic Development Scholar Award.
Established in 2020, the Department of Medicine Diversity Academic Development Scholar Awards (DADSA) were developed to promote and foster the transition of meritorious trainees to the roles of junior faculty and principal investigator. Dr. Oluwole will present her research at Grand Rounds in the fall.
Fialkow Award
[cid:image019.jpg at 01D8566A.31383940]Congratulations to Dr. Andrew Stergachis, assistant professor (Medical Genetics), who is the 2022 recipient of the Fialkow Award. The Fialkow Scholar Award is awarded annually to recognize the outstanding achievements of junior faculty in medicine in research, teaching, clinical work, and academic citizenship.
The award honors the late UW Dean of Medicine and Chair of Medicine Dr. Philip Fialkow and his wife, the late Helen Fialkow. Dr. Stergachis will formally receive the award and present at Medicine Grand Rounds in the fall.
Minority Faculty Mentoring Award
Consider nominating a colleague for the Minority Faculty Mentoring Award. This award recognizes the need for excellence in mentoring of under-represented faculty groups to achieve diversity and inclusion, key elements that can unleash creativity and innovation so that we can meet the health care needs of our region. Nominees need not be a member of an under-represented group. This award is supported through the Office of the Dean, Office of Academic Affairs, the Office of Healthcare Equity and the Committee on Minority Faculty Advancement (CMFA). For additional information, or to submit your nomination letters please contact Nora Coronado<mailto:ncorona at uw.edu>. Nominations are due April 29.
Education news
AAIM/CDIM awards and elections
Clerkship Directors in Internal Medicine (CDIM), part of the Alliance for Academic Internal Medicine (AAIM), is the organization of individuals responsible for teaching internal medicine to medical students. At the AAIM conference last week, the following were announced:
Dr. Douglas Paauw, professor (General Internal Medicine) and director, Medicine Student Programs, was awarded the highest honor from CDIM, the 2022 CDIM Ruth-Marie E. Fincher, MD, Service Award<https://bit.ly/3Maug6T>.
Dr. Susan Merel, associate professor (General Internal Medicine) was recently elected as one of the councilors for CDIM. Together with John Choe (APDIM councilor) and Whitney Harper (PAAC councilor), this is the first time the University of Washington has had three national councilors to AAIM at the same time.
Dr. John Choe, associate professor (General Internal Medicine) has been selected to co-chair the Learner Handoffs Standards Task Force, one of several AAIM task forces charged with addressing some of the 2021 UME to GME transition recommendations from the Coalition for Physician Accountability (COPA).
Showcasing innovations in education
Staff members from our Internal Medicine Residency Program presented two posters at the AAIM conference last week, showcasing innovations in education. Learn more about these innovations by clicking on the links below:
* Cultivating Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: A Newsletter<https://bit.ly/3L2u0qk> (Andréa Campbell, Gevelle Cullen, and Whitney Harper)
* Program Administrator Experiences and Future Recommendations for Virtual Recruitment<https://bit.ly/3rBmivA> (Andréa Campbell and Whitney Harper)
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Faculty news
Robb Glenny stepping down as division head
[cid:image022.jpg at 01D8566A.31383940]Dr. Robb Glenny joined the University of Washington in 1987 as a fellow, rose through the ranks to professor, and has been head of the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine since 2005.
Under his leadership, the division grew significantly from 30 to now 100 faculty members while enhancing its international recognition for the breadth of its training program, clinical expertise, and innovative research. In 2017, Sleep Medicine was added to the Division's name to better reflect the scope of the clinical work, training and scholarship in the division.
He has agreed to stay on as division head while a national search is conducted. Read more about him on our news site<https://mednews.uw.edu/news/glenny-stepping-down>.
Drs. Tyler Albert, assistant professor, and Paul Cornia, associate professor (General Internal Medicine) gave the University of New Mexico Department of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds on 4/21/22. Their talk was titled, "Finding Authenticity in Medical Education Research."
Clinical news
Clinicians grapple with decisions in crisis-care simulation
The COVID-19 pandemic has led healthcare organizations to draft plans for critical patient care in the event of shortages of resources such as ventilators. Invoking "crisis-care" standards at a hospital would prompt the deployment of a triage team-three or four seasoned clinicians and a medical ethicist responsible to determine which patients have the best chance of survival and prioritizing these people to receive scarce resources while deprioritizing others.
[cid:image023.jpg at 01D8566A.31383940]Dr. Catherine Butler, assistant professor (Nephrology) is lead author of a new study published in JAMA Network Open<https://bit.ly/3JVNXOh> that conveys the moral distress that triage team members experienced while participating in a simulated crisis-care event in which they had to decide which patients would and would not be prioritized to receive life-sustaining resources. "This was a setting to try to operationalize a process for making life-and-death patient decisions in a way that most medical professionals have never faced before," she said.
Read the full story from UW Medicine Newsroom<https://bit.ly/3JZzq3Y>.
QI Match
[https://qimatch.com/includes/images/logo_long.png]The Center for Scholarship in Patient Care Quality and Safety is proud to announce the (re)-launch of QI Match<https://bit.ly/3uW1a5f>. QI Match is an online web platform to match collaborators to quality improvement and patient safety initiatives across UW Medicine. Projects get posted to the site and any faculty, student, staff, or trainee can notify the project lead of their interest. Projects that are posted to QI Match may be a single event (such as a patient safety root cause analysis or a QI focus group) or longer term QI projects. Get started today<https://bit.ly/3uW1a5f>.
Recent publications
Dr. David Dugdale, professor (General Internal Medicine) is lead author of "Association Between a Population Health Intervention and Hypertension Control<https://bit.ly/3xBvrbe>" in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. DOM co-author is Joshua Liao.
Dr. Jordan Gauthier, assistant professor (Medical Oncology) is lead author of "Impact of CD19 CAR T-cell product type on outcomes in relapsed or refractory aggressive B-NHL<https://bit.ly/3v2ytDL>" in Blood. DOM co-authors are Alexandre Hirayama, Joshua Hill, Mayzar Shadman, Victor Chow, Ajay Gopal, David Maloney, Cameron Turtle and Mohamed Sorror.
Dr. Kellen Hirsch, R2, is lead author, and Dr. Larry Dean, professor (Cardiology) is senior author of "Spontaneous coronary artery dissection and exogenous estrogen in a transgender female<https://bit.ly/3JXRyvj>" in CCI . DOM co-author is Vidhushei Yogeswaran.
Dr. Mack Holmberg, R2, is lead author of "Supporting sexual and gender minority health-care workers<https://go.nature.com/3MiJPt9>" in Nature Reviews Nephrology.
Dr. Jeffrey Krimmel-Morrison, clinical instructor (General Internal Medicine) is lead author of "How to Keep Training-After Residency Training<https://bit.ly/3En0Gs8>" in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.
Dr. Benjamin Lidgard, acting instructor, is lead author, and Dr. Nisha Bansal, associate professor (Nephrology) is senior author of "Patient-Reported Symptoms and Subsequent Risk of Myocardial Infarction in Chronic Kidney Disease<https://bit.ly/3L41KDS>" in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. DOM co-authors are Leila Zelnick and Kevin O'Brien.
Dr. Gary Lyman, professor (Medical Oncology) is senior author of "Association Between Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) Use and Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS) or Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) Among Elderly Patients with Breast, Lung, or Prostate Cancer<https://bit.ly/3MjYAfv>" in Advances in Therapy.
Drs. R. Scott McClelland, Connie Celum and Jared Baeten (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) are co-authors of "Efficacy of Single-Dose Human Papillomavirus Vaccination among Young African Women<https://bit.ly/3Oqtzbl>" in NEJM Evidence.
Dr. Graham Nichol, professor (General Internal Medicine) is co-author of "PROmotion of COvid-19 VA(X)ccination in the Emergency Department-PROCOVAXED: study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial<https://bit.ly/36CTdbQ>" in Trials.
Dr. Andrew Vincent Raikhelis, chief resident, is lead author, and Dr. James Town, assistant professor (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine) is senior author of "Determining consistency of care after resuscitation from in-hospital cardiac arrest, a retrospective analysis at a tertiary care academic medical center<https://bit.ly/3LaagBc>" in Heart & Lung. DOM co-author is David Carlbom.
Dr. Joshua Veatch, acting assistant professor, is lead author, and Dr. Stanley Riddell, professor (Medical Oncology) is senior author of "Neoantigen-specific CD4+ T cells in human melanoma have diverse differentiation states and correlate with CD8+ T cell, macrophage, and B cell function<https://bit.ly/37C0d9k>" in Cancer Cell. DOM co-authors are Sylvia Lee, Ata Moshiri, Shailender Bhatia, Scott Tykodi, Evan Hall, John Thompson, and A. McGarry Houghton.
Dr. Susan Wong, assistant professor, is lead author, and Dr. Ann O'Hare, professor (Nephrology) is senior author of "The VA Life-Sustaining Treatment Decisions Initiative: A qualitative analysis of veterans with advanced kidney disease<https://bit.ly/37p4ixP>" in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. DOM co-author is Taryn Oestreich.
In the news
Dr. Jeffrey Duchin, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in "New CDC team: A weather service to forecast what's next in pandemic<https://wapo.st/3KW4FOU>" in the Washington Post.
Dr. John Lynch, professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in "Children are grimy, and that's (mostly) ok<https://bit.ly/3Oo3JoE>" in Popular Science.
Dr. Robert Rakita, clinical professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is quoted in "'It's Just Scaring People, and It's Not Saving Lives'<https://bit.ly/3vxRH3l>" in The Atlantic.
Dr. Eugene Yang, clinical professor (Cardiology) is quoted in "Have a history of allergies? It could mean a higher risk of heart disease, study finds<https://bit.ly/37kshhH>" in McClatchy DC Bureau.
Events of interest
Medicine Grand Rounds
Dr. Elizabeth Phelan (Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine) will present "Age-friendly healthcare: What is it, and how do we get there?" at Medicine Grand Rounds on Friday, April 29, 2022,12-1pm, via zoom<https://washington.zoom.us/j/812197730>.
Public Health Policy for Pandemic Preparedness
Save the date: Dr. Helen Chu, associate professor (Allergy and Infectious Diseases) is giving the 2022 Wolfle Memorial Lecture in Science & Policy "Public Health Policy for Pandemic Preparedness: Lessons from the Seattle Flu Study" on May 3, 5-7pm, Parrington Hall and via zoom. Registration required<https://bit.ly/3JWLymc>.
Weekly Calendar, April 25-29, 2022
Our events calendar is posted on our website<https://medicine.uw.edu/news/trumba-calendar>.
Coming up
Core Competency Series
The next DOM Core Competency Series is "A Day in the Life: A Medical Student, Resident, and Fellow Perspective," presented by Katie Hawkins (4th-Year Medical Student), Dr. Linda Liu (Harborview Inpatient Chief Medical Resident) and Dr. Busola Oluwole (Hematology-Oncology Fellow). May 11, 12-1pm, via zoom<https://washington.zoom.us/j/96620350832?pwd=eXlxMGR3cEhhZU1Sc1pNdnhCODltdz09> (Meeting ID: 966 2035 0832, Passcode: 393414)
Women Faculty Leadership Series
Sponsored by the Dean's Standing Committee on Women in Medicine and Science, this four-part series is designed to empower UW School of Medicine women faculty with tools to thrive in their careers.
* Negotiations: Advocating for Self and Others. May 11, 12-1pm
* Not Imposter Syndrome. June 14, 9-10am
* Difficult Conversations. September 20, 4-5pm
* How to Build and Lead Diverse Teams - Strategy. January 12, 2023, 9-10am
For more information and to register, please visit the SOM faculty website<https://bit.ly/3aHoGbp>.
Pacific NW Sepsis Conference
Registration is now open<https://bit.ly/3M9540q> for the 10th Annual Pacific Northwest Sepsis Conference on June 6-7, with both an in-person and virtual attendance option. Speakers include local, national, and international sepsis experts. They will explore sepsis in different populations and healthcare settings both adult & pediatric and examine the updated Surviving Sepsis International Guidelines of care and the science behind these evidence-based recommendations. Additional sessions include why equity matters in sepsis care, the global burden of sepsis, phenotypes in sepsis, post-sepsis syndrome, case studies in sepsis, and resiliency for healthcare providers.
2022 PNW Palliative Care Conference
Cambia Palliative Care Center of Excellence is pleased to invite you to the 2022 PNW Palliative Care Conference: "Lifting Voices & Building Bridges: Working Towards an Inclusive Future for Palliative Care." June 13, 8am-4pm. Please register for this event<https://cpcce.uw.edu/news/annual-conference/2022-agenda-register>.
Trauma Stewardship Institute Workshop
UW Medicine and the School of Medicine are partnering with Laura van Dernoot Lipsky and the Trauma Stewardship Institute to address the accumulative toll of the pandemic on UW Medicine healthcare staff and providers through a 2-hour system-wide workshop. Recordings will be posted online for those unable to attend live. June 21, 4-6pm. Register here<http://discover.uw.edu/MTMxLUFRTy0yMjUAAAGC9mKmnJwnjMoaLOcXVeLaMwTs3bay1GilR5I0B4eODjVFNAEcwrD-sP5C91458N2AIB827n0=>.
Amy Fields, Editor
amyf at uw.edu<mailto:amyf at uw.edu>
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