<p>Question...Yesterday, a duck awkwardly landed on a wire right in front of my deck which is across the street from the Rutherford Slough in Fall City. The duck was kind enough to sit there long enough for me to go inside for binoculars, books and laptop computer and, according to all the pictures I could find, it was a Harlequin Duck. Is that really possible? I thought they were not in this area...and yes, there are Buffleheads in the water but this was not one of them.<br /><br />Thanks,</p>
<p>Tomas Walsh</p>
<p>Fall City, WA</p>
<img src="http://track.smtpsendemail.com/9016770/o?p=AZ4owLqgctVnwoSG2wb_wTwfhPeYgortXratcI3w7RCdDVcbvLBAslGYEkL4cHJUbyc6Xy534Ari4SHuplRzGewp71JYFJRySxud9a6eB14=" height="1" width="1">