<div dir="ltr"><div>Good afternoon - I went on a "Puffin" boat tour out of Anacortes to Smith Island and environs. I created an eBird checklist using Smith Island as the location chosen from a hotspot. I have 15 species listed with photos for Tufted puffins, Horned puffins and Marbled murrelets. But, eBird won't make this list public and gives me the message below. <br></div><div><br></div><div>I cannot figure out what to change to resolve this flagging. Do you know? <br></div><div><h3 id="gmail-flagged" class="gmail-Heading gmail-Heading--h6 gmail-Heading--minor" style="color:rgb(204,126,0)"><span class="gmail-Heading-main">Checklist flagged</span>
<p class="gmail-u-text-2-loose gmail-u-margin-none">
<i><strong>Location issue.</strong> This checklist has been
flagged because there is a problem with the location, such as an
incorrect or imprecise location or Traveling Count covering multiple
ecosystems or a very long distance. This checklist and its observations
do not appear in public eBird outputs. <br></i></p><p class="gmail-u-text-2-loose gmail-u-margin-none">Thanks - Jay Eisenberg, Bellingham, WA<br></p><p class="gmail-u-text-2-loose gmail-u-margin-none"><i></i></p></div></div>