<div class="userStyles" style=" font-family: Arial; font-size: 12pt; color: #000000;">I was saddened to hear the new of Wayne's passing. Wayne participated in many Columbia Basin Audubon Society field trips when that group was active. As the field trip leader I was always happy to have Wayne along. It was like having another field trip leader to help with the load. I have seldom met a more gracious and giving person in all the years I led field trips for CBAS, WOS, Seattle Audubon, the Sandhill Crane Festival. Wayne was always trying to add to his extensive lists for eastern Washington counties. When Wayne would chase a bird in eastern Washington we would often meet up and chase together. I enjoyed that Wayne was never disheartened if a chase was unsuccessful because he appreciated the local birds as much as he did the rarity (but he DID enjoy finding that rarity LOL). We often traded emails, but Wayne was never much for cellphone conversations. I will sincerely miss Wayne and his reports.<br>
Doug Schonewald</div>