[Tweeters] Sick bird at feeder in Green Lake area

Sharon Howard via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Mon May 27 12:48:42 PDT 2024

A friend reports she found a very sick bird at her feeder yesterday. She said it was sitting immobile on the feeder and not eating for a long time. Eyes were closed, but no sign of infection. It was puffed up. She thinks it was a pine siskin. She took down her feeder for sterilization. She said she checked the Washington Dept. of Fish and Wildlife and saw nothing about wild bird concerns other than avian flu. Symptoms didn’t seem to match those for the bird she saw. Thus, the question is whether others are aware of some virus or illness that is now a risk or health worry for our local wild birds, aside from avian flu. Thank you for any information or ideas.

Sharon Howard

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