[Tweeters] Cape Disappointment Sea watch(es)

Jim Danzenbaker via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Sat May 25 19:41:33 PDT 2024

Hi Tweeters,

There are four things that really turn me on in the birding world:
shorebirds, pelagic birds, raptors, and anything that is in active
migration. Sea watches essentially cover three of those four facets so I
fed my obsession this morning and visited the North Head Lighthouse at Cape
Disappointment State Park in Pacific County. David Irons and Shawneen
Finnegan were my cohorts today. The 7 hour sea watch produced 3 (three)
MANX SHEARWATERs, 9 Parasitic Jeagers, and healthy numbers of many other
species including locally unusual species like Clark's Grebe. A link to
the ebird list is attached as well as that from a sea watch at the same
location on May 19. Although no earth shatteringly rare species, totally
fun birding!

today: https://ebird.org/checklist/S177105941
May 19: https://ebird.org/checklist/S175782757

Keep your ears and eyes alert for everything.

Jim Danzenbaker
Battle Ground, WA
jdanzenbaker at gmail.com
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