[Tweeters] Caspian Terns on Whidbey and Hayton plus that Fir Island (Hayton) goose nest ...

via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Sun May 19 19:15:52 PDT 2024

Hi all,

After getting "tern blanked" at Sequim and Pt. Townsend I found
Caspian Terns right here at home - at Hayton - today. Several
were sitting on a sandbar and one or two were fishing (diving
from on high).
Also seen/reported at West Beach on Whidbey by friends.

I caught a Savannah Sparrow, some Gadwall, and other birds as well.

Sad news - the Canadian Goose that had a nest on that cedar stump
at Hayton is gone, no evidence of the nest either (not even a few
down feathers). Nest raided by a predator? Just abandoned?

The Killdeer nest is also abandoned. This one is "no surprise"
because its location "was never going to work" (high traffic/right
by the path from the parking lot).
- Jim

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