[Tweeters] Kittitas County

Hank Heiberg via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Wed May 15 08:33:35 PDT 2024

This past week we birded for two days primarily in Kittitas County plus
along North Wenas Road in Yakima County. Highlights included…

Lewis’s Woodpeckers at 3 different locations in Kittitas County.

White-headed Woodpeckers, Great Horned Owls and a Pygmy Nuthatch along
North Wenas Road.

Wilson’s Snipes, Yellow-headed Blackbirds and one of the Lewis’s
Woodpeckers along Parke Creek Road.

A male Western Tanager in breeding plumage and one of the Lewis’s
Woodpeckers at the Ginkgo State Park Overlook.

Here are links to the photo album documenting the two days


and to the eBird trip report.


Hank & Karen Heiberg
Issaquah, WA
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