[Tweeters] Go Fish! Connie Sidles online class Whidbey Audubon Society

Patty Cheek via Tweeters tweeters at u.washington.edu
Sun May 12 08:41:39 PDT 2024

Connie Sidles special online class

Register now at https://www.whidbeyaudubonsociety.org/class-and-presentation-store/lfn2fo8i30lwrax5xchbhwbz3irnq5-becnj-rj9g9

Four session bird class:

Wednesday evenings 7:00-8:30: May 22, May 29, June 5, June 12
Cost $100

Fish have been a rich source of food for birds for millions of years - certainly long enough for avians to have evolved many styles of fishing. In this series of four classes, master birder Constance Sidles will show you the strategies different species of birds use to go fishing.

Patty Cheek

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